Karen Gillan Cast In The Rock's Jumanji

The star-studded Jumanji remake keeps adding more talent, as Sony has announced that the talented [...]

Rock Gillan Jumanji

The star-studded Jumanji remake keeps adding more talent, as Sony has announced that the talented Karen Gillan is officially signed on for the project.

Gillan will be playing the part of Martha (no, not that Martha), a role that took the studio a while to cast. It ultimately came down to who blended with the rest of the cast, which includes Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Kevin Hart, and Jack Black, with Gillan winning out in the end (via Deadline).

Gillan was the last casting for the intriguing project, and with that now completed the film will start principal photography in Honolulu sometime in September.

Jumanji will, in fact, be a sequel to the beloved original that starred Robin Williams, and The Rock plans on doing fans of the original proud.

"And now in two weeks I'll reunite with ol' friends Kevin Hart & Jack Black and we have the honor to introduce a whole new generation to the amazing world of #JUMANJI. *(for the record we are NOT making a reboot, but rather a continuation of the awesome JUMANJI story). It's also crazy to me how much me, Kev and Jack look like triplets when we're together. 👶🏽👶🏻👶🏿. Man this is gonna be FUN."

As for Gillan, fans will get to see her enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe once more when she reprises her role as Nebula in Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2 next year and is rumored to also be in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. Outside of the comic genre, she will star in the James Ponsoldt Directed The Circle alongside Emma Watson and Tom Hanks, as well as in All Creatures Here Below, which is being Directed by David Dastmalchian.

Jumanji is set to debut in theaters on July 28th, 2017.