While the flu is a serious threat to the health of adults, it presents an even larger danger to infants. Severe complications from the flu are most common in children under two years of age. Infants under six months old are most vulnerable, as they cannot get the flu vaccine. However, by taking precautionary steps before anyone you know is sick, reducing contact with people during flu season, and being careful around sick people, you’ll be better able to protect your infant from the flu.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking Precautions

  1. As soon as the seasonal flu vaccine is made available, you and other caregivers should visit your doctor and get vaccinated. By being vaccinated, you’ll protect yourself from being infected. As a result, your chance of infecting your infant will be much lower. Without a flu vaccine, you and your family will be much more vulnerable.[1]
    • Everyone who lives in your home or visits your home or infant should be vaccinated.
    • You can get a flu vaccine from your doctor, through your work, or even at a neighborhood pharmacy.
    • Flu vaccines are usually available starting in September. You can even get vaccinated while you are pregnant, so speak to your doctor about obtaining a flu shot.
  2. Typically, infants six months or older can get a flu vaccine. Getting the flu vaccine may dramatically lower their risk of catching the flu. However, infants younger than six months cannot get a vaccine.
    • Talk to your doctor about whether a vaccine is appropriate for your child.[2]
  3. Breastfeeding helps transfer a mother’s antibodies to her baby. As a result, breastfeeding can potentially bolster your infant’s immune system so they can better resist or fight off the flu.[3]
    • If you can’t breastfeed, talk to your child’s pediatrician about steps you can take to build your child’s immunity to things like the flu virus.
  4. While you should always provide your baby with proper nutrition, it is even more important during flu season. Good nutrition will bolster your infant’s immune system. In the end, they’ll be able to resist or fight off the flu a lot more effectively. Most commercially produced formula provides the nutrition infants need.[4]
    • If you breastfeed, produce your own formula, or feed your baby solids, make sure your infant is receiving enough vitamin A, C, D, E, and B as well as calcium, iron, and zinc.
    • Talk to your pediatrician if you are unsure if your baby is getting their nutritional needs met.
  5. It’s important to clean and disinfect your home on a regular basis to eliminate germs that cause the flu. Choose a disinfectant formulated especially for killing cold and flu viruses, such as a spray or disposable wipes. Clean hard surfaces, like countertops, tables, faucets, light switches, and remote controls with the disinfectant.[5]
    • Wash blankets, towels, stuffed animals and other soft surfaces in hot water with non-chlorine bleach to rid those items of germs.
  6. Purchase alcohol-based hand sanitizer. After you've touched a door handle or something else in a public area, use it. In addition, use it again before you touch your infant as well as your phone or other gadgets that you use often.[6]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Reducing Contact with People

  1. As a rule, most babies should stay out of the public for their first two months of life. This should be extended when it comes to flu season. During flu season, the more your baby is at home, the lower their chance of catching the flu.
    • Stay away from places with lots of people like the mall, grocery stores, or entertainment venues.[7]
    • If possible, keep your child home from daycare if a lot of children in your area have the flu.
    • Only take your child out in public if necessary.
  2. Regardless of who it is, you should forbid sick people from coming into contact with your infant unless absolutely necessary. By establishing a “no sick” policy, you’ll help protect your infant from catching the flu. Ultimately, while you might alienate a few people, you’ll safeguard your baby’s health.[8]
    • Stay 6 feet (1.8 m) away from people who are sick or displaying flu symptoms
  3. By using a sling or confining your baby to a carrier, you’ll shield and protect them from germs and from people who may try to touch them. This is important, as many people like to touch the hands, face, and feet of infants. If your baby confined, they won’t be able to get close enough to do so.[9]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Limiting Risk Around Sick People

  1. The second you know that someone in your home has the flu, you should contact your pediatrician and let them know. Your pediatrician will be able to give you great information about how you can limit the chance of your little one catching the flu from someone at home.[10]
  2. If you or someone else in your home catches the flu, ask your doctor about prescribing you antiviral medication. Antiviral medication can decrease the severity and longevity of the flu virus. The less time you’re sick, the lower the chance your infant may catch the flu from you.[11]
    • Antivirals work best if taken within 2 days of getting sick.
    • You can take antivirals, like Tamiflu, while breastfeeding.
    • Tamiflu can be used in infants as young as two weeks old to treat the flu.
    • Some antiviral medications can also be used to help reduce the chance of getting the flu in people over 1 year old.
  3. Sterilize your baby’s bottles. While sterilizing your baby’s bottles is a good policy normally, it’s extremely important during flu season. This especially important if you travel outside the home with your infant, as flu germs could live on objects for several hours at a time. By sterilizing your baby’s bottles, you’ll limit the chance of them catching the flu.[12]
    • You can also wash and disinfect your baby’s toys and other supplies they often come into contact with.
  4. Whether you are or aren’t sick, you should take extra care to wash your hands during flu season. When washing your hands, use warm water and soap. Washing your hands will help protect you from getting sick and from bringing flu germs into contact with your infant.[13]
  5. 5
    Cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze. Whether you have the flu or not, you should make it a habit to cover yourself when you cough or sneeze. The best way to do this is with a clean tissue. Afterwards, you should discard the tissue and wash your hands.[14]

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  • Infants and children with asthma, diabetes, and heart disease are especially susceptible to severe complications from influenza.

About this article

Laura Marusinec, MD
Co-authored by:
Board Certified Pediatrician
This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care. This article has been viewed 27,845 times.
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Updated: May 25, 2021
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