
Samsung Unloads Tech Shares as It Braces for Galaxy Note 7 Recall Costs

Cash from sale of stakes will help cover ballooning costs from smartphone industry’s biggest recall to date

A woman passes an advert for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in London on Sept. 2, 2016. Photo: Reuters

As it grapples with a massive global smartphone recall that is estimated to cost more than $1 billion, Samsung Electronics Co. 005930 0.46%increase; green up pointing triangle is moving swiftly to sell stakes in other technology companies to raise cash.

The world’s biggest smartphone maker said Sunday it has sold shares in computer-drive maker Seagate Technology PLC, STX -1.82%decrease; red down pointing triangle chip maker Rambus Inc., RMBS -5.40%decrease; red down pointing triangle Dutch semiconductor-equipment maker ASML Holding ASML -1.30%decrease; red down pointing triangle NV and Japanese electronics maker Sharp Corp. 6753 -1.50%decrease; red down pointing triangle

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