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Eventually Upon A Time: King's Quest Chapter 4 Is Out

Into Queen Icebella's Frozen Castle

Oh! Chapter 4 of the episodic King's Quest [official site] revival is now out. Pop! Out of nowhere, five months since the last episode - just when I'd forgotten about it - here's more of the adventure game. King Graham is continuing telling tales about his younger days, though he seems to be getting on a bit by Chapter 4. This time, Activision say, "King Graham recounts the time he had to rescue Prince Alexander from Queen Icebella's Frozen Castle." Okey cokey. Have a peek in this launch trailer:

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I do like how that video's thumbnail is totes an trolleyed dad noticing his hand as if for the very first time. He's about to tell his son that he loves him more than he'll ever understand, then will fall over while trying to reach the lav and give an excuse about a dicky knee.

Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home arrived last night on Steam. It's included with the season pass or, I suppose, you could buy it by itself for £6.99/9,99€/$9.99? I don't know why you'd do that.

Do remember that the full first Chapter has been free for everyone since May.

Officially, only one Chapter now remains - though an "epilogue" is coming too for folks who bought the ultra-fancy 'Complete Collection'. Presumably that's relatively minor or it'd have been included with the Season Pass? It's still weird.

Anyway! Questers, what have you been making of it? John did not like Chapter 1 but I've heard from a few fans who dug it. It's certainly less of a stonker than Activision had probably hoped for from a flagship game in their revival of the Sierra name.

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