Find a Peer-Reviewed Dentist

When you are searching for a dentist or dental specialist for yourself or a loved one, use our unique (Peer Surveyed) directory of top dental professionals. With over seventy years of combined experience, we have the dentists and specialists you are looking for across the United States.

How do we Select Top Dentists?

Our selection process starts by asking thousands of dentists and specialists to help us determine who belongs on the topDentists list.

Step 1


The nomination pool of dentists consists of dentists listed with the American Dental Association and other local dental societies, giving every dentists the opportunity to participate.

Step 2


Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practitioners on their ballot whose work they are familiar with, and a variety of factors are taken into consideration during this process.

Step 3


Once the decisions have been finalized, each dentists is checked to verify they are in good standing with an active license.


Would you like to nominate a dental professional?

We are commencing our next polls for: New Mexico, New Jersey, and Pittsburgh.

What Dentists are Saying about topDentists

"Thanks for your work in helping patients find qualified dentists."

Bill C. Costaras DDS
Westlake, OH

"topDentists helps patients get excellent care."

Dennis Munson DDS
Florissant, MO

"Dentistry is a terrific profession and your efforts benefit our profession as a whole."

Stephen Cooke DDS
Westlake, OH

Featured Dentist

Ronald E. Unterseher, DDS, MS


Dr. Ron enjoys seeing the transformation his patients experience in confidence and self-esteem during and after orthodontic treatment.