Showing posts sorted by relevance for query harley davidson. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query harley davidson. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

1906`s Harley Davidson`s First Factory Paper Model - by Don Weeks
Download Now!

Thanks to my North American friend Don Weeks, that introduced me the original photo and had the idea of the model, here is the 1906`s Harley Davidson`s First Factory paper model, ready to download! This is a very simple model, in only one sheet of paper. According to Wikipedia, in 1906, Harley and the Davidson brothers built their first factory on Chestnut Street (later Juneau Avenue), at the current location of Harley-Davidson's corporate headquarters. The first Juneau Avenue plant was a 40 ft × 60 ft (12 m × 18 m) single-story wooden structure. The company produced about 50 motorcycles that year.

 photo harley davidson
The Original Photos used as Reference to build this Model

Graças ao meu amigo norte-americano Don Weeks , que me apresentou a foto original e teve a idéia do modelo, aqui está o modelo de papel da Primeira Fábrica da Harley Davidson. Este é um modelo bem simples, em apenas uma folha de papel. Segundo a Wikipedia, em 1906, Harley e os irmãos Davidson construiram sua primeira fábrica na Rua Chestnut (mais tarde Avenida Juneau), no local atual da sede corporativa da Harley-Davidson. Esta primeira fábrica na Juneau Avenue era um simples galpão de madeira de 12 × 18 metros. Lá, eles produziram cerca de 50 motocicletas naquele ano.

 photo harley.template.001_zpsfanuck8f.jpg

Download: 1906`s.Harley.Davidson`!

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Fire Brigade Play Set - by Somodi Zoltan - Corpo de Bombeiros

Victorian House Model - by Scenery Builder - Casa Vitoriana

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Great Torii of Itsukushima In Japan - by Bernard Buzuc - Grande Torii

Sunday, April 12, 2015

1906`s Harley Davidson`s First Factory Paper Model - by Don Weeks Next Project

Thanks to my North American friend Don Weeks, that introduced me the original photo and had the idea of the model, here are the first images of the Harley Davidson`s First Factory. According to Wikipedia, in 1906, Harley and the Davidson brothers built their first factory on Chestnut Street (later Juneau Avenue), at the current location of Harley-Davidson's corporate headquarters. The first Juneau Avenue plant was a 40 ft × 60 ft (12 m × 18 m) single-story wooden structure. The company produced about 50 motorcycles that year. - More soon.

 photo harley davidson
The Original Photos used as Reference to build this Model

Graças ao meu amigo norte-americano Don Weeks , que me apresentou a foto original e teve a idéia do modelo, aqui estão as primeiras imagens da Primeira Fábrica da Harley Davidson. Segundo a Wikipedia, em 1906, Harley e os irmãos Davidson construiram sua primeira fábrica na Rua Chestnut (mais tarde Avenida Juneau), no local atual da sede corporativa da Harley-Davidson. Esta primeira fábrica na Juneau Avenue era um simples galpão de madeira de 12 × 18 metros. Lá, eles produziram cerca de 50 motocicletas naquele ano. - Mais em breve.

 photo harley davidson

More Papermau Next Projects related posts:

Time Machine Discos Diorama - by Papermau - Some Advances

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Los Pollos Hermanos Roadside Cafe - by Papermau - Next Project

Volkswagen Type 2 Paper Model - by Papermau - More One Next Project

Saturday, February 8, 2014

1910`s Harley-Davidson "Model 6" Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

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I`ve already posted here on the blog the 1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model, created by designer Alan Grayer, so today I present another Harley by Grayer, the 1910`s Harley-Davidson Model 6. As detailed as his sister, this bike will require many hours of work and patience, but the result is worth it, as you can see in the photos of this post.

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Eu já postei aqui no blog o modelo de papel da Harley-Davidson 7A, de 1910, criada pelo designer Alan Grayer, então hoje eu apresento a Harley-Davidson Modelo 6, de 1910. Tão detalhada quanto sua irmã, essa moto exigirá muitas horas de trabalho e paciência, mas o resultado compensa, como você pode ver nas fotos deste post.

Link: 1910`

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Japanese Classic Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by E-Park

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Mille Miglia Custom Motorcycle Paper Model- by Louis “Loudog” Lopez via Le Forum En Papier

Thursday, October 26, 2017

1955`s Harley-Davidson Hummer Paper Model In 1/11 Scale
by Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery

Occupying three sheets, this perfect paper model version of the 1955`s Harley-Davidson Hummer in 1/11 scale was created by Japanese designer and modeler Chima, from Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery website. Thanks to Motorcycle Modeler, from Paper Modelers forum for this really nice find!

Ocupando três folhas, esta perfeita versão em papel da Harley-Davidson Hummer de 1955 na escala 1/11 foi criada pelo designer e modelista japonês Chima, do site Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery. Obrigado ao Motorcycle Modeler, do forum Paper Modelers por este achado bem legal!

Link: 1955`s.Harley.Davidson.Hummer.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Motorcycle Paper Models related posts:

Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by Wombat

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Scooter Paper Model - by Scooter Swag - Lambreta

Yamaha TZR 125 Motorcycle Paper Model - by Ginrei Mokei

Thursday, June 7, 2012

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Model Assembled and Photos by Alan Grayer

A perfect replica of a 1911`s Harley-Davidson Model 7A, made by British designer Alan Grayer. Mr. Grayer says: - "This is a model I have developed myself, spurred by the amount of effort I had to put into the Flying Merkel. Having gone so far, I wanted to have something of my own which I could offer to the community of paper modellers".

Uma réplica perfeita de uma Harley-Davidson Modelo 7A, de 1911, criada pelo designer britânico Alan Grayer. O Sr. Grayer diz: - "Este é um modelo que eu desenvolvi, estimulado pela quantidade de esforço que eu tive que colocar no Merkel Voador( outro belo modelo do Sr. Grayer). Tendo ido tão longe, queria ter algo meu que eu poderia oferecer à comunidade de modelistas em papel".


The scale is 1:7, producing a model approximately 300mm x 80mm x 150mm (12" x 3" x 6"). There are just over 400 parts.

Link: 1911`

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

Gas Gas Trial Motorbike - by Toni Mauricio - Moto de Trial Gas Gas

Honda Motocompo Folding Scooter - by Yasu Tanaka

Bajaj Three Wheeled Vehicle - by Fold Papercraft - Triciclo Indiano

Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - by Yamaha Motor

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Japanese Motorcycles Paper Models - by Yamaha - Motos Japonesas


PhotobucketYamaha is a multinational corporation and conglomerate based in Japan with a wide range of products and services, predominantly musical instruments, electronics, motorcycles and power sports equipment.
Yamaha was established in 1887 as a piano and reed organ manufacturer by Torakusu Yamaha as Nippon Gakki Company, Limited in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture and was incorporated on October 12, 1897. The company's origins as a musical instrument manufacturer is still reflected today in the group's logo—a trio of interlocking tuning forks.
After World War II, company president Genichi Kawakami repurposed the remains of the company's war-time production machinery and the company's expertise in metallurgical technologies to the manufacture of motorcycles. The YA-1 (AKA Akatombo, the "Red Dragonfly"), of which 125 were built in the first year of production (1958), was named in honor of the founder. It was a 125cc, single cylinder, two-stroke, street bike patterned after the German DKW RT125 (which the British munitions firm, BSA, had also copied in the post-war era and manufactured as the Bantam and Harley-Davidson as the Hummer). In 1959, the success of the YA-1 resulted in the founding of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. - Wikipedia

PhotobucketA Yamaha Corporation é uma companhia japonesa fabricante de um enorme leque de produtos em várias e distintas áreas, faz parte do Keiretsu Fuyo.A oferta de produtos comercializados inclui instrumentos musicais, circuitos integrados, veículos e electrónica de consumo.
Foi fundada em 1887 por Torakusu Yamaha como uma fabricante de pianos e órgãos , originalmente com o nome de Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd. em Hamamatsu, Shizuoka no Japão e foi incorporada em 12 de outubro de 1897. A origem da companhia como um fabricante de instrumentos musicais continua refletida hoje no logo do grupo: um trio de garfos (diapasões) entrecruzados.
Depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o presidente da companhia, Genichi Kawakami reutilizou as máquinas produzidas durante a guerra e o conhecimento em tecnologias metalúrgicas para a fabricação de motocicletas. A YA-1 (conhecida como Akatombo, a "libelula vermelha"), da qual foram construídas 125 unidades no primeiro ano de produção (1954), foi nomeada em honra ao seu fundador. Era uma 125cc, de cilindro único, moto urbana patenteada após a germânica DKW RT125 (a qual a firma de munições britânica BSA, também tinha copiado na era do pós-guerra e produzida com a Bantam e a Harley-Davidson como o Hummer). Em 1955, o sucesso da YA-1 resultou na fundação da Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
A Yamaha cresceu até se tornar a maior fabricante do mundo de instrumentos musicais (incluindo pianos, percussão, guitarras, flautas, violinos, violas, violoncelos, e vibrafones), bem como um fabricante líder de semicondutores, audiovisual, produtos informáticos conexos, esportivos, eletrodomésticos e móveis, metais, máquina ferramenta, e robôs industriais.
Em outubro de 1987, no seu 100º aniversário, o nome foi mudado para Yamaha Corporation. - Wikipedia



Tuesday, October 31, 2017

1969`s Honda Monkey Z50A Paper Model - by Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery

Occupying only two sheets, this perfect paper model version of the 1969`s Honda Monkey Z50A in 1/11 scale was created by Japanese designer and modeler Akira. O, from Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery website.

Ocupando apenas duas folhas, esta perfeita versão em papel da Honda Monkey Z50A de 1969 na escala 1/11 foi criada pelo designer e modelista japonês Akira. O, do site Palm-Sized Paper Models Gallery.

Link: 1969`

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Japanese Classic Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by E-Park

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Mille Miglia Custom Motorcycle Paper Model- by Louis “Loudog” Lopez via Le Forum En Papier

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yamaha TZR 125 Motorcycle Paper Model - by Ginrei Mokei


A beautiful paper model of a Japanese motorcycle, the Yamaha TZR 125, in a realistic style, but even easy-to-build, by Ginrei Mokei Japanese website.

Um belo modelo de uma motocicleta Yamaha TZR 125, em um estilo realista e ainda assim, fácil de montar, do site japonês Ginrei Mokei.

Link to the model:

Link to instructions:

Link to Ginrei Mokei main page: Ginrei.Mokei.Japanese.Paper.Models.Main.Page

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Yamaha YZF -R1M Paper Model In 1/5 Scale - by Yamaha Motors

With 911 parts distributed in 56 sheets of paper, this paper is the most complex model released by Yamaha Motors website, from Japan. This paper model in 1/5 scale, was created with the latest technology and all its dimensions were scanned, then you can be sure that if you build this, you will have a perfect replica of the real Yamaha YZF -R1M. A great Christmas present for all hardcore paper modelers!

 photo yamaha.papercraft.via.papermau.2015.003_zpsz9tda4of.jpg

Com 911 peças distribuídas em 56 folhas de papel, este é o modelo de papel mais complexo já lançado pela Yamaha Motors, do Japão. Este modelo, na escala 1/5, foi criado com tecnologia de ponta e todas suas dimensões foram escaneadas, então pode ter certeza que se você montá-lo, terá uma replica perfeita da Yamaha YZF -R1M real. Um belo presente de Natal para os papelmodelistas hardcore!

 photo yamaha.papercraft.via.papermau.2015.002_zpslodhbwk4.jpg

Link: Yamaha.YZF.R1M.Paper.Model.In.1/

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Monday, April 13, 2015

WW2`s Motorcycle BMW R-75 Paper Model In 1/100 Scale - by Ringo
via RP Models

If you like militaria, has good eyesight and patience, this paper model of a WW2`s Motorcycle BMW R-75, in 1/100 scale and in several configurations, is perfect for you. And almost no takes up space, because if you do not know, the 1/100 scale is almost 30% smaller than a Hot Wheels miniature, which is 1/64. Created by Czech designer Ringo and originally posted at PR Models website. Great for Dioramas, RPG and Wargames.


Se você gosta de militaria, tem uma boa visão e paciência, este modelo de papel em escala 1/100 e em diversas configurações, de uma Motocicleta BMW R-75, da Segunda Grande Guerra, é perfeito para você. E quase não ocupa espaço, pois se você não sabe, a escala 1/100 é quase 30% menor que uma miniatura Hot Wheels, que é 1/64. Este modelo foi criado pelo designer tcheco Ringo e originalmente postado no site PR Models. Ótima para Dioramas, RPG e Wargames.


Link: WW2`

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Japanese Classic Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by E-Park

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Mille Miglia Custom Motorcycle Paper Model- by Louis “Loudog” Lopez via Le Forum En Papier

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

1983`s Kawasaki GPZ 250 Paper Model In 1/8 Scale - by Kozin

With 26 cms long and occupying eight sheets of paper, this is the 1/8 scale paper model version of the Kawasaki GPZ 250 motorcycle, manufactured in Japan in 1983. This paper model was created by Japanese designer Kozin and to view and print this, you will need Pepakura Viewer Free Version (link at the end of this post).

Com 26 cms de comprimento e ocupando oito folhas de papel, esta é a versão em papel na escala 1/8 da motocicleta Kawasaki GPZ 250, fabricada no Japão em 1983. Este modelo de papel foi criado pelo designer japonês Kozin e para visualizar e imprimí-la você precisará do Pepakura Viewer Versão Gratuíta (link no final deste post).

Link to download the model: 1983`s.Kawasaki.GPZ.250.Paper.Model.In.1/

Link to Pepakura Viewer Free Version: Pepakura.Viewer.Free.Version.Official.Page

More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Sunday, October 4, 2015

German Motorcycle With Side-Car Vintage Paper Model - by Valmy

Thanks to French modeler Valmy, from Le Forum En Papier, for this really cool find. This old paper model of a Motorcycle With Side-Car was originally printed in Germany by Rapi Publisher.

Details of the Model

Obrigado ao modelista francês Valmy, do Le Forum En Papier, por este belo achado. Este antigo modelo de papel de uma Motocicleta com Side-Car foi originalmente impresso na Alemanha pela Editora Rapi.


More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Japanese Classic Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by E-Park

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Mille Miglia Custom Motorcycle Paper Model- by Louis “Loudog” Lopez via Le Forum En Papier

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mille Miglia Custom Motorcycle Paper Model- by Louis “Loudog” Lopez via Le Forum En Papier

 photo hadvleforum0001_zps14c9c543.jpg

Can you belive this is made out of paper? This cool paper model was created by designer Louis “Loudog” Lopez and was posted at Le Forum En Papier, a great French forum about paper models. For those interested in building this model, the instructions are very detailed and full of photos.

 photo hadvleforum0002_zpsdcab24ea.jpg

Dá para acreditar que este modelo é feito inteiramente de papel? Esta moto foi criada pelo designer Louis “Loudog” Lopez e foi postada no Le Forum En Papier, um grande forum de modelismo em papel francês. Para quem se interessar em construir este modelo, as instruções são muito bem detalhadas e repletas de fotos.

 photo hadvleforum0003_zps2fce779c.jpg


More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

The Weekend Pic - Yamaha Dragstar Classic 11 - by Reinhard Fabisch / Yamaha

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

Yamaha YZF-R1 Motorcycle Paper Model - by Yamaha Motor

Police Motorcycle Paper Model - by Wombat

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Disco Pizza Scooter Miniature Paper Model - by Hirotec

Occupying only one sheet of paper, this miniature scooter, the Disco Pizza, was created by Japanese designer Hirotec in the distant year of 2002.
Ocupando apenas uma folha de papel, este scooter em miniatura, o Disco Pizza, foi criado pelo designer japonês Hirotec no distante ano de 2002.


More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Honda CBR 1000 RR Paper Model - by Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo

Occupying only two printed sheets, this miniature paper model of the racing motorcycle Honda CBR 1000 RR is offered by Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo, japanese website. Thanks to Rickstef, administrator of Paper Modelers forum, for this really nice find.

Ocupando apenas duas folhas impressas, este modelo de papel em miniatura da motocicleta de corrida Honda CBR 1000 RR é oferecido pelo site japonês Musashi Seimitsu Kogyo. Meus agradecimentos a Rickstef, administrador do fórum Paper Modelers, por este achado bem legal.


More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Japanese Highway Patrol Motorcycle Paper Model - by Shutopato

Offered by Shutopato website, this little Japanese Highway Patrol Motorcycle is so well made that, judging by the photos, it does not even look like a paper model.

Oferecida pelo site Shutopato, esta pequena Motocicleta da Polícia Rodoviária do Japão é tão bem feita que, a julgar pelas fotos, nem parece que é um modelo de papel.


More Paper Models of Motorcycles related posts:

1911`s Harley-Davidson 7A Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

1960`s Moped Paper Models - by DV-Moto - Ciclomotores De Papel

Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Rokunoya

Yamaha YZ 450 FM Paper Motorcycle - by Yamaha Motor

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

1952`s Vespa 150 Faro Basso Paper Model - by UHHU02

This 1952`s Vespa 150 Faro Basso scooter was created by Japanese designer and modeler UHHU02 and was inspired by the scooter driven by Princess Anne (Audrey Hepburn) in the 1953`s film "Roman Holiday". Composed of many pieces (mostly tiny) divided into 10 sheets, this model is certainly not for weekend modelers. Another masterpiece by this brilliant Japanese modeler who raises paper crafts to the level of art.

Esta lambreta Vespa 150 Faro Basso de 1952, foi criada pelo designer e modelista japonês UHHU02 e foi inspirada pela lambreta dirigida pela princesa Anne (Audrey Hepburn) no filme "Roman Holiday", de 1953. Composto de muitas peças (a maioria minúsculas) divididas em 10 folhas, este modelo certamente não é para modelistas de fim de semana. Mais uma obra prima deste brilhante modelista japonês que eleva o artesanato em papel ao nível de arte.

Link: 1952`

More Paper Models of Motorcycles and Scooters related posts:

01: Japanese Three-Wheeled Vehicle Paper Model - by Retro Machine Club

02: Honda Motocompo Folding Scooter - by Yasu Tanaka

03: 1910`s Harley-Davidson "Model 6" Paper Model - by Alan Grayer

04: Honda Stream Scooter Girl Paper Model - by Ogunoya Yoshinobu

05: Scooter IWL Motoroller Troll Paper Model - by Mita Und PeMay

06: Japanese Highway Patrol Motorcycle Paper Model - by Shutopato