Health Care Abroad: Questions for T.R. Reid

T.R. Reid was a bureau chief in Tokyo and London for The Washington Post. His new book, “The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care,” is a systematic study of the health systems in seven countries that was inspired in part by his family’s experiences living overseas and receiving health care abroad. Mr. Reid also produced a 2008 documentary on the same topic for PBS called “Sick Around the World.” He spoke with blog contributor Anne Underwood.

See also a review of Mr. Reid’s book in Tuesday’s Science Times.


We’ve just passed the eighth anniversary of 9/11. You make a shocking comparison in your book between that crisis and the state of American health care.


On Sept. 11, 2001, roughly 3,000 Americans were killed by terrorists. Since then, we’ve spent hundreds of billions of dollars to make sure that doesn’t happen again. But the same year — and every year since, according to the National Academies of Science — about 22,000 Americans died of treatable diseases because they couldn’t afford health care. And we let that go on. Do Americans consider that acceptable? To me, it’s not. The American people must not realize how cruel our system is, because if they did, they’d change. We’re not a cruel people.


You focused primarily on Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan and Japan. Why?


I chose big, rich, advanced, free-market democracies that might make a good model for the United States. In each of these countries, they set a goal of providing health care for all and found a way to get there. As I argue in the book, health care systems are moral instruments. They reflect a country’s basic moral values.

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Health Care Abroad


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Americans seem to think that all advanced countries with universal coverage have single-payer systems. Actually, that’s not true.


A lot of what Americans think they know about health care overseas is not accurate. Japan has 3,000 payers. Germany has 220 payers. Switzerland has 70. But in many ways, the systems in these countries act like single payers, with one set of rules, one set of forms.

In Japan, there is one price for each procedure for the entire country. They publish a huge book thicker than the Tokyo phone book that lists 30,000 medical procedures and sets the price for each. There’s one set price for a cut requiring six stitches on the back of the hand and another for a cut requiring six stitches on the thigh.


Many Americans are saying that universal coverage is too expensive. But you say it’s essential for controlling medical costs. Why?


If everybody’s in the system, you have the political will to make tough decisions about cost control. If you say, “We will cover the $20,000 drug for breast cancer, but not the $40,000 drug,” that means some women may die sooner than they might have. But if the system covers everybody, you know the money saved is going to be used to help a sick child or a mother with a difficult pregnancy. That makes it easier for society to accept those tough decisions.

In the U.S., when Aetna or WellPoint declines to pay for a drug or a procedure, the money saved goes to enhance the insurer’s profit, not to pay for another person’s treatment. So people are less willing to tolerate cost controls. All over the world, health ministers told me that the first step is universal coverage — and that generates the political will to impose controls.


Critics argue that if we institute cost controls, it will stifle innovation in both drug discovery and the development of new technologies.


That’s completely false. Overseas, cost controls drive innovation. In Denver, I had an M.R.I. that cost $1,434 dollars. The exact same procedure in Japan today costs about $105. That’s because the government kept reducing the price it would pay for M.R.I.’s. Japanese researchers had to devise ways to get the same scan for less money, and they did, developing much cheaper machines.

As for drugs, it’s also false. Lots of drugs that make TV news in America come originally from labs in the U.K., Switzerland or Japan.


And yet other countries also have trouble keeping costs in line.


Modern medicine is extremely expensive. Other countries constantly have to decide which new procedures and medicines they will pay for.


Which sounds like rationing.


Other countries definitely ration, but so do we. Here’s the difference. In other developed countries, there is a basic level of care that everybody gets. Our method is to leave tens of millions of people out of the system, which is the harshest way to ration.


Did other countries find it difficult to institute universal coverage?


In Switzerland it was very tough, because Switzerland is home to huge drug companies and giant international insurance companies. Until the 1990s, they were making a profit on health insurance. They copied the pre-existing conditions rule of American insurers and tried not to sell policies to anyone who might make a claim. They hired lots of underwriters to deny claims, like our guys do. And by 1994, Switzerland got to point where 5 percent of people couldn’t afford health insurance.

For the Swiss, this was shocking. They had national referendum on universal coverage, and most of the business community opposed it. The giant insurance companies opposed it, and the drug companies opposed it. But the reform passed and took effect on Jan. 1, 1996. The result was that insurers had to cover everybody and they couldn’t make a profit on basic health insurance.


How’s it working out?


I went there in 2007, and everyone was happy. The pro-business Christian Democratic Party is proud of it. And the insurance companies are doing better than before the reform. Here’s why. They’re now required to sell basic coverage to anybody for no profit, and there are strict controls on pricing and administrative costs. But the same companies sell supplemental policies on a for-profit basis that cover things like private hospital rooms or Viagra. In addition, the same companies sell life insurance and fire insurance. They use the basic health insurance plan, for which they can’t make profit, as a loss leader for other lines of business. All of them are bigger and making more money than before the change.


The rate of medical bankruptcies in this country is alarmingly high. What about overseas?


When I made the documentary “Sick Around the World,” I asked the health minister in every country I examined, “How many people in your country went bankrupt last year due to medical bills?” They looked at me as if I’d just asked how many flying carpets they rode on their way to work. In Canada, it was zero. In the U.K., zero. In Germany, zero. Japan, zero. Taiwan, zero. The other rich countries don’t let it happen. When I asked the president of Switzerland, who belongs to the pro-business Christian Democratic Party, he said, “Nobody. It would be a huge scandal if we let that happen.”


Another issue on the table now is tort reform. Are medical malpractice suits a problem in other countries?


No. Every country has come up with a mechanism to compensate patients who are injured by doctors and hospitals. These injuries happen in every country. If doctors are seriously negligent, you need a system to discipline them. But nobody does this through the tort system except the United States because it’s a very expensive way to do it. Most of the money doesn’t get to injured person, but gets paid to court system, investigators, lawyers.


If other countries don’t handle malpractice through the tort system, how do they do it?


In Germany . . . it’s like an accreditation body that tests you. In Britain, they have an agency called NICE, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. NICE issues guidelines for treating medical ailments. In the U.K., if you demonstrate that you followed NICE guidelines, you can’t be held liable. Even if patients are horribly injured and impaired for life, you can’t be disciplined as long as you followed the guidelines.


So other countries have no huge jury awards to drive up costs?


You read about massive judgments in this country with injured patients receiving tens of millions of dollars. A major part of that is, once someone is injured or crippled, the damage award includes lifetime care. In the United States, that’s really expensive. But if somebody won a judgment of lifetime medical care in the U.K., the cost would be zero. Health care is free. And if you won a big tort judgment in France or Belgium, an award of lifetime care would be vastly cheaper than in America.


Do you support any of the plans being discussed on Capitol Hill?


I think all the plans that we’ve seen in America are tinkering at the margins of a system that is unfair and grossly expensive. On the other hand, I came away from writing the book feeling optimistic, because I know we could get to universal coverage at reasonable cost if we want to. All the other developed countries in the world have done it. Are you telling me Taiwan can do this and the U.S.A. can’t? Come on.


Do you see a way of getting back on track?


It takes a leader. My book focused on people like Tommy Douglas in Canada, Otto von Bismarck in Germany and Nye Bevan in the U.K., who persuaded their countrymen that they needed universal coverage. It will take someone who can grab the moral imperative and remind us that the important issue is not whether insurance companies make 4 percent or 6 percent on their coverage, but whether people get medical care when they need it.

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When you hear the Swiss consider 5% uninsured too high, or that an MRI scan in Japan costs $105, you know these countries are nothing like the U.S.

Our problem is huge by comparison. In Texas 25% of people are uninsured. Wealth disparity is much larger here than in the social democracies we love to hate.

We need radical reform. It could have come in the form of single-payer or Ezekiel Emanuel’s voucher plan. It won’t come from making everybody buy insurance on the private market. Contrary to T.R. Reid’s expectation, as costs continue to rise it won’t build momentum for rationing. We’ll do what Massachusetts did and grant more waivers of the mandate. Then we’ll be right back where we started, sans a few trillion dollars.

We’d be better off starting from scratch with leadership that understands the scale of the problem and what needs to be done. Unfortunately I just read in the paper today that Dems are determined to cram down Obamacare regardless of what the polls say, because they’re worried about 2010 and 2012. Good grief.

Oh, please—and hundreds of thousands die every year because they are fat pigs or because they smoke like chimneys. Get off your moral high horse and refocus your condemnation on individual behavior and individual responsibility, where it belongs.

Thank you for the insightful article. And thank you T.R. Reid for your excellent work. I agree, with the right leadership–eventually the USA will find provide quality healthcare for all–as Canada and the other developed countries have done.

This is an emotional issue and we all should support covering individuals through private health insurance. To conquer these serious changes, doesn’t it seem right to advocate for greater transparency in both quality and price information, for it overlaps with many other issues? //

Excellent article. It was totally fascinating to hear about how other countries handle medical malpractice. Sadly, I can’t see the Trial Lawyers Association ever allowing us to get away from hefty lawsuits–even though it makes much more sense the way other countries handle things.

I’m always amazed that people think we don’t ration here… insurance companies do it every day…. and in the name of profit, rather than better care.

I wonder if holding a national referendum like the Swiss is what we need in the States. Let’s take it out of the hands of the legislature and into the hands of the people… as Congress does not seem to be voting the way America wants. More than 60% support universal coverage/single payer… so why are there still questions? One answer…Lobbyists!

We are all learning from this rancous health care reform debate. It turns out that in addition to the above, some developing countries are ahead of us on the issue. The oil rich countries such as Libya, Saudia Arabia, the Sheikhdoms, Ghana in West Africa etc. In Ghana, “good health care ” is a constitutional right. Ghana is the West African country which Obama recently visited.

Though Ghana has not got adequate budgetary resources to support the 100% constitutional right to health care, the country attempts to do that as follows;

There is the National Health Insurance Scheme which everybody is entitled to register, Health Insurance Coops which are mainly few and regional based. The big employers such as banks, multinational companies, other big companies, and public institutions etc are required to provide health insurance. Then individuals can buy insurance from the insurance market. What is wrong in having these kinds of mixture of options available in the great United States of America?

Great interview! Yes, what you say about Japan is true! I live in Japan at the moment, and I love my national health insurance every time I have to go to the dentist or a doctor. The only thing the interview forgot to mention was that Japanese business leaders support Japan’s unified, virtually national healhcare coverage, since it controls costs and greatly helps the economy as a whole.

As the article suggests, in 2009 passing the public option is an absolute necessity. It is not sufficient, but if it is popular, it can be expanded in response to the will of the people. With no public option, we will continue to be ruled by the private insurance industry’s disinformation and corporate propaganda. Americans younger than 65 need to experience what public health coverage really is. As in other nations, once Americans see and understand what single-payer actually is, a majority will surely demand it.

And yes, we need a courageous leader willing to stand up for single-payer. President Obama is afraid of the medical industry and seems to care more about preserving industry profits than in telling the truth about single-payer, which he once supported. It’s very sad.

I lived and worked in Japan for a year, and it made such a huge difference in my life not to feel anxiety about medical bills or forms. If I had to go to the doctor, I didn’t have to make an appointment. I went, waited at most 5 minutes, got my vital signs taken by a nurse, waited another 10 minutes, went and saw the doctor, got diagnosed, handed them my orange card, and bought the medicine right there for only about $20 at the most.
If I was worried about something serious, I went to the city hospital, waited about 20 minutes, got seen, then paid about $20 and went home. The town doctor even saw my then fiance for free because the doctor said, “I don’t need the money.” Admittedly the town doctor didn’t have the same advanced knowledge as American doctors do, but he did the job fine. I
I never got sent a bill. I didn’t have to wait if I was unwell. I didn’t have to worry that I wouldn’t have the money to pay for treatment. Why we can’t do that here, I haven’t the faintest idea!

Wow I never thought about the fact that universal coverage is the best thing to bring down the cost of malpractise insurance. This should really be the nail in the coffin of discredited Republican claims. If they really want to bring down malpractise costs then universal healthcare is the best way to do it.

“More than 60% support universal coverage/single payer”

Where did you get that 60% of the people support single payer?

That MRI machine that is so cheap in Japan would never have been invented in the last century had it not been for Americans and American medical science and physics research. It’s easy to rip off someone else’s invention and make it cheaper, because the costs no longer have to account for research & development.

I am afraid that a significant and vocal minority in this nation are seriously impaired in their moral sense and their knowledge of health issues.

Hence Dan1138 can assume that illness and health are simply a result of an individual’s moral character and go on, I suppose, to believe that bankruptcy and death from lack of treatment are simply a natural outcome of bad behavior.

We obviously need a serious moral attitude adjustment. May I suggest this as a start:


regarding the magnitude of the problem:
We in America tend to pay attention to Crises and Sensationalism. So, we are appalled at the devastation of New Orleans after Katrina but not that to the Mississippi Gulf Coast which actually took the brunt of Katrina. We notice a single airplane crash that may or may not have injuries and fatalities, but we think nothing of the equivalent of 3 full 747s who die daily from tobacco related diseases. If you had them crashing, then there would be some attention.
Part of this is media. The media has been able to discuss/demonstrate/educate how the numerous sub-prime loans managed to add up to a financial debacle.

Instead we see people with the NIMBY mentality – that if they have a job with health benefits, they fear that those benefits will change with any institution of health care reform. (Yeh, it might be less expensive, or better benefits/coverage.)

There multiple areas of this morass that need to be addressed, all interconnected. This universal access/coverage is but one. Others include the delivery end – with emphasis on outcomes, and quality. The constant threat of malpractice inhibits quality. Everyone is afraid to say anything, to discuss a problematic or even a good outcome; to examine what went well and what could have been improved, whether individually or systemically (process wise).

If we get rid of the “transactional relationship” – the business relation whereby the physician, hospital, whatever, provides cared based upon payment, then we can place more emphasis on the “relational relationship”, the professional duty and trust. MD does not stand for Minor Diety and it is unreasonable to expect 100% perfection every moment of every day. With the drive for repeated board certification and various “process improvement” projects within practices, why are legal means considered better? The patient really wants whatever can be done to improve the situation they are left in – whatever did or did not happen. If some compensation is reasonable, then so be it. But waiting 2-5 years does not help. And with a reputation of having sued, fewer physicians will be inclined to take that person on as patient. (perceived as litigious) So now the patient is left with the worst of all possible outcomes.

” Japan has 3,000 payers. Germany has 220 payers. Switzerland has 70. But in many ways, the systems in these countries act like single payers, with one set of rules, one set of forms. ”

It is true that from the perspective of a physician or a hospital Japan, Germany and Switzerland act like single payer systems in that there is one set of forms and rules – greatly reducing the administrative costs and burden that medical providers face.

However, in nations such as Switzerland and the Netherlands the patient has a wide range of choices in the size of their deductibles, copayments and scope of coverage. Insurers compete for patients in a market where no one is excluded and the government provides subsidies to the poor and those with chronic conditions.

The key is transparency, uniform regulation and requiring that everone buy health insurance – just as everyone who owns a car must buy car insurance.

It seems to me the elected members of the Congress and Senate who are opposed to health care reform (or rather, universal coverage, which most civilised countries have) are merely representing the insurance and pharmacutical corporations and trying to safeguard those corporations’ profits rather than improve the health of their citizens.

How many of these elected representatives and their immediate families hold shares in these insurance and pharmacutical companies and thereby directly prosper from their callous treatment of the American people?

How much funding do these elected representatives receive from insurance and pharmacutical companies?

How many golf club memberships, overseas vacations and other ‘thank you’ gifts do they receive?

It really amazes me that so many of the American public can be so easily fooled into thinking those elected representatives against universal care or ‘public options’ really give a damn about them rather than these big corporations.

It saddens me that so many of these members of the public protesting against Obama’s plans are so ignorant of the wonderful examples of universal health care to be found around the world, including in my own nation, New Zealand. How can they really protest without knowing the facts?! They just look stupid to the rest of the world.

If New Zealand can provide universal coverage when we have a population of 4.4 million people, surely the richest nation on Earth, the United States of America, can too.

This was more helpful than the piece in Science
Times today, which didn’t give me a sense of the content of the book.

I share Mr Reid’s optimism and I look forward to reading his book. But I am even more intrigued by an idea that emerges from these comments: businesses large and small could realize enormous benefits from universal coverage (not the current plan, which looks to sting small business something awful). And as a bonus, they could score a PR victory by driving universal coverage forward. Who has the knowledge and credibility to make this case to them? Some interesting work to do!

P.S. When I was suffering from a very painful frozen shoulder, my hotshot US shoulder surgeon told me to wait it out, as this problem usually resolves by itself in 12 -18 months. My well-respected UK specialist told me the same thing. And you know what? I waited and it did resolve — all by itself. Good advice in both countries. The take away? Beware anecdotal evidence, especially your own.

There is a large number of people into alternative treatments. I am not one of them. Should a healthcare plan provide coverage for those who are into nontraditional healthcare approaches? If so, how would costs for these approaches be handled, would the costs go down as well? Should people have a choice as to their type of healthcare provider. Traditional medicine or alternative?

This was an excellent interview and your book — which I read last week — was excellent too! I have been trying to get some of my friends who oppose “Obamacare” to read your book, but they won’t. My experience informs me that people who oppose health care legislation do so on purely ideological grounds and have no knowledge of how other countries health systems work. Your book should be required reading for every member of Congress.

I agree with Mr. Reid’s argument, although I have some quibbles with the specifics he has put forward. Having lived extensively with both the Swiss and Canadian systems, I have to point out some inaccuracies as well as unidentified issues.

Mr. Reid glosses over the Swiss healthcare system without mentioning the problems and issues. First off, it is a very expensive system, second only to the U.S. Currently, the basic insurance plan costs about 900 Swiss Francs per person, per month, while deductables, co-payments and non-covered items come to about 1000 CHFr per person/per year. Extended coverage can easily increase health insurance payments to 2000 CHFr or more per month. Even with the relatively high Swiss salaries, this is a considerable burden for people. And this fall, basic insurance rates are anticipated to rise an whopping 15 – 20%; politicians are already girding for the backlash.

Swiss cantons each have a financial means test for healthcare insurance payment support; roughly some 30% of Swiss receive partial or full support for insurance coverage. The story that doesn’t get reported though, is that there is a significant portion who does not qualify for insurance support, but still cannot meet the payments for basic coverage. If they get caught, there are fines and legal repercussions, but I would be interested in seeing how the economic downturn has affected this situation.

The Swiss are beginning to consider a single-payer model. A referendum was held in March 2007, and only 2 of 26 cantons supported the resolution. However, the idea is bound to resurface again this fall — 87 insurance companies (not 70) do not constitute an effective economy of scale in a population of only 7.5 million. And another issue rising to the fore in Switzerland is the increasingly common insurance company denial of doctor-recommended tests and procedures, almost unheard-of until recently.

As to Mr. Reid’s criticism of Canada — excessive wait times as a form of care rationing and cost cutting, well, it is not entirely true. Wait times exist just about everywhere, it depends on what sort of medical care you are seeking. Here in Geneva, it has taken me 5 months of waiting to get in to see an ob/gyn. The wait for a CT-scan was identical to that which I experienced in Canada. The workday and workweek are shorter in Switzerland than in Canada, so I actually had better luck getting in to see my family doctor in Canada (who, by the way, deals with ob/gyn issues, and so made the need to find a specialist irrelevant) the same or next day than I have getting in to see my internist here in Switzerland.

In Canada, I received cancer surgery within 2 weeks of diagnosis; my father within 3 days.

Canada is suffering from bad policy decisions as to appropriate levels of doctors which were in turn based on extremely flawed computer modeling in the early ’90s (the Swiss have a milder form of the same problem); while cost-cutting was part of the consideration, wait times are not a deliberate attempt at rationing care. The worst waits in Canada are those for orthopedic surgeons, although having checked provincial wait time lists (which you can readily do yourself online as the key ones are posted), none even begin to approach the supposed wait times you were given during your Canadian jaunt. Twelve months merely to get in to see a specialist? That defies every experience I have had of the Canadian healthcare system, and seriously distorts an accurate assessment of it.

Oops, that would be 900 to 1000 CHFr for a family of 3 per month, not per person.

Yes, it is true that other developed countries — such as France, Germany, Switzerland — use private health insurers, but they are always non-profit, and are regulated like public utilities.

Here — and only here — a cartel of for-profit, health insurance companies dictate prices and benefits, and do so for their own profit, not the general welfare. That is our problem in a nutshell.

To protect their oligopoly, these companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the years to sway public opinion and influence Congress. (It is noteworthy that the members of Congress who are most vocal in opposing a public option, are often the very ones who have received the most in campaign contributions from the insurers.)

Price-fixing and other anti-competitive behavior by these companies has been overt, widespread and well-publicized. It has prompted numerous lawsuits, resulting, recently, in a headline-grabbing award of $400 million against a major health insurer.

In the last decade, health care premiums more than doubled nationally, rising four times faster than wages. At the beginning of that period, health insurers paid out roughly 90 cents of every premium dollar for medical reimbursement; today, they pay out little more than 80 cents. (Medicare, by contrast, pays out 97 cents.) Meanwhile, profits of the major insurers have soared an astonishing 430%, or more!

By one estimate, the profit and overhead of these companies, plus the adminstrative costs they impose on doctors and hopitals, drain a total of $400 billion annually from the American econonomy. That’s enough to cover all 47 million uninsured!

As long as the health insurance cartel goes unchallenged, no amount of universal coverage or other reforms will bend the cost curve downwards, for either Americans or their government. The cartel is too powerful and too good at protecting its turf. A public option — favored by two-thirds of the public — was the last, best hope of mounting that challenge. Without it, President Obama and Congressional Democrats may pass a bill, but they will gain a Pyyrhic victory.

For the experts like Mr Reid, and for much of official Washington, universal coverage is the holy grail. But the public has a different concern. If they are mandated to buy insurance they cannot afford, their retribution at the polls will be swift and terrible. The Democrats need to think twice before they abandon a robust public option.

question: if doctors in the US make double what docs make in other developed countries, what percentage of healthcare costs do docs here represent. the number wasn’t in Reid’s book and it would help in doing the quick and dirty math on savings potential here.

obviously our higher base for these services dramatically affects the ability to ‘bend the cost curve.’ for that matter, what percentage of costs do drugs and hospitals represent. the $17bb annual savings offered by the hospitals is a little less than one percent of annual cost savings. need to get about five or six percent to get us down to the level of other DCs. a bunch considering we cover only 85 percent of the population.