Ever wonder why we settle for the quick track to happiness? Well, I do. It's been on my mind a lot lately why we settle for temporary happiness and the big question I want to throw out there is why not strive for something that will last?
This past semester, temporary happiness was something that I knew all too well. Whether it was alcohol, food, or guys I was happy. But I was only happy for a little while. Depending on the situation that time slot of happiness ranged from five minutes to two months. I was never truly happy, I was just covering up a lot of problems that I did not want to face. I learned that when you try to mask your problems...they unveil themselves far worse than you remembered. I also learned that I want to be happy for the long run, not the short sprint. It seems as if our generation only knows how to be happy for a little while before something comes up and ruins it for us or the situation.
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Like I said before, alcohol, food, and guys were the things that I thought I could find happiness in. All I really found was a lot of headaches, stretch marks, and heart breaks. I know I am not alone with the categories I find my temporary happiness in. Most of us writing as well as reading these articles are college students and we all know how good it is to have a drink or a cookout burger every now and then.
I'm not writing this to say "hey, don't drink and eat out" I'm writing this to help people realize that happiness does not reside in those temporary things. I'm writing this because I want to learn how to experience true joy, which is something I can only experience through my relationship with Christ. I do not want to settle for temporary happiness any longer. I am learning to be happy with the things I cannot change about myself as well as changing some things I am not happy with.
Honestly, I didn't really remember how to be happy until I hit rock bottom after having a crying fit/breakdown with my campus pastor. I had to pull myself out of the situations I had put myself in and unveil the things that were making me make those temporary decisions. After unveiling those issues, I had to face them (which is definitely not easy and is going to be a long process but I know I got this). I had to realize the sins that I was trapped in and understand that they will never fully satisfy me like God will.
As for wanting to strive for something long lasting, I met someone. Someone who is not like the rest of the guys I have dated, someone who knows what they want and what they want to do in life. Someone who shares the same views as me and someone who wants something long lasting; not quick and easy. I'd be lying if I said he didn't make me happy (because he makes me insanely happy), but I'd be telling the truth if I said that I didn't place all of my happiness in him. Placing all of my happiness in him would mean that I find full satisfaction within wordly things which could honestly never amount to the joy that God provides us. I will place my happiness in the Lord so that He may give me pure everlasting joy. Joy that is far greater than a buzz, chocolate, or a sweet text. I will find joy in Christ alone.