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5 Tips For Taking Your Business International

Updated Aug 12, 2016, 03:35pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

Langley Steinert is a co-founder of TripAdvisor (NASDAQ: TRIP) who went on to found CarGurus, which he grew — without VC funding — into the #1 trafficked auto shopping website in the United States. The company recently went global, adding Canadian and the UK markets, and continues to experience rapid growth.

As a seasoned entrepreneur, here are Steinert’s top five tips for international expansion.

  1. Get to know the market and make friends

This seems obvious, right? But Steinert says it’s amazing how often businesses get tripped up by subtle cultural differences, language miscues, legal and financial compliance issues, etc. “Even when we launched CarGurus in the UK, where we had the luxury of a shared language and a great number of marketplace similarities, we still found ourselves having to adapt on the fly as new knowledge made us rethink some of our best laid plans,” Steinert recalls. “What helped us most was spending time on the ground early on and building strong local partnerships with people willing to share insights and help us navigate the market.”

  1. Don’t be afraid to break from the herd.

“If you are not there to disrupt, what’s the point?” Steinert asks. “Tread too carefully and you risk being a ‘me too’ company, and still an outsider, at that. You need to use the playbook that got you success at home, but become more flexible and adaptive.”  He notes, “If you are lucky, the core competencies are the differentiators that will drive your success abroad.” For example, “At CarGurus, we offer consumers a very different car shopping experience than many international competitors, which is precisely why we are moving into their markets. We have a proven track record with which to stake our claim and we can deliver what we’ve found consumers want and need.”

  1. Be quiet and listen.

When going global, you don’t know what you don’t know, so listening is key. “When I first went to the UK, I spent a good deal of time listening — and I learned a lot,” Steinert recalls. He advises, “Take note of what prospective clients, business partners and employees have to say. Embrace the reality that you can probably benefit from their unique knowledge of the area, and help you find those approaches that best match successful local and regional methodologies. Listening can lead to better product design, superior site user experience, smarter pricing models and, most importantly, clearer expectations and rewards for staff members. Incentives and management style abroad can diverge significantly from what you’re used to in the U.S.”

  1. Be realistic about timing and grow incrementally.

Steinert advises that companies go small at first in order to win big in the long term. “Start out with a minimal but viable product offering and prepare to learn from customer experience and feedback. Then, methodically iterate before launching in multiple geographies. That way, you’ll drive strategic, successful country launches rather than widespread launches that may not achieve success metrics. “I’d much rather ensure a smaller set of really big wins that will enhance our brand globally rather than spread ourselves too thin by entering a ton of markets where some will be inefficient or ineffective.”

  1. Make decisions based on data

“Over the years I’ve learned that it is far more productive to go where the data takes you than ‘go with your gut,’” Steinert notes. “This is especially true when it comes to international expansion. New markets and cultural sensitivities are truly complex. Gather lots of data early and then go forward with the hard facts. If you have the domestic internal resources to collect data in-house, use it. If not, go to a reliable source to gather and help analyze empirical data before you jump. In the end, expanding internationally is a risk, but you can manage that risk with solid knowledge that is backed by the facts on the ground.”

By following Steinert’s five tips, you can move your company more nimbly through the perilous waters of international expansion and be more strategic and more successful when you make your move.

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