Word of the Day + Quiz | incrustation

incrustation • \ˌin-ˌkrəs-ˈtā-shən\ • noun

1. the formation of a crust
2. a hard outer layer that covers something
3. a decorative coating of contrasting material that is applied to a surface as an inlay or overlay

The word incrustation has appeared in 145 New York Times articles since 1851, including on Oct. 24, 1990, in the column Food Notes by Florence Fabricant:

The most gigantic apples in the Big Apple are Mrs. Prindable’s apples on a stick sold at Saks Fifth Avenue. Each apple is as big as a softball, weighing about a pound. And the apples under the incrustation of assorted candy coatings are super-deluxe Delicious apples that are indeed delicious, crisp and fairly tart.

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