Sleeping on long-haul flights is pretty much impossible, unless you’ve spent mega bucks on flying First Class.
But now, a pillow-esque chin strap has come to save the day (and your neck).
The NodPod lets you sleep while sat in an upright position. It has straps which go around the back of your chair and then a comfy strap which supports your chin, allowing you to drop off without your neck yanking forward.
Its aim is to eliminate jet lag, neck and body pain, and “awkwardly waking up on your fellow passengers”.
It can also be used on trains and in cars - provided you aren’t the driver.

The strap itself has a memory foam interior for comfort and a water repellent PU coated cover - perfect for dribblers.
The product is currently on Kickstarter where 1,707 people have pledged $65,000 (approx £50k) of the $20,000 (£15k) goal.
The product’s straps are designed to sit around TV screens on the back of airplane chairs - so you won’t make any seat-kicking enemies during your 16-hour flight.
For those with safety concerns, there’s also a cord breakaway which becomes undone if there is any sudden impact.
With this chin strap in tow, you’ll be the most well-rested traveller of them all.
You can back the product on Kickstarter here.