Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King BGG 

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Isle of Skye is one of the most beautiful places in the world, with soft sand beaches, gently sloping hills, and impressive mountains. The landscape of Isle of Skye is breathtaking and fascinates everyone.

In the tile-laying game Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King, 2–5 players are chieftains of famous clans and want to build their kingdoms to score as many points as possible—but in each game only four of the sixteen scoring tiles will be scored.

Thanks to the scoring tiles, each game is different and leads to different tactics and strategies, but having enough ...

Este jogo tem 2 fichas de expansão

2 - 5

30 - 50 min

Andreas Pelikan , Alexander Pfister

Klemens Franz

Insula Skye: De la Căpetenie la Rege, Isla de Skye: De Líder a Rey , Isle of Skye: Agli Albori del Regno , ...

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