
@ai-firestarter replied to your post “@lies replied to your photoset “web series + representation ↳ Joan…”

Agreed 100%. A small, probably-pedantic-seeming correction, tho: Pemberley ain’t the creators of MFL, just the distributors. I’d hate for the awesome folk at Cherrydale - the actual creators, and wd have been the ones who reblogged the post that retained your caption at the MFL blog - to be erased or mistakenly criticized by proxy here.

i, of course, use “creators” to refer to the creative team, including pemberley digital who distributed the show.

trust me, i feel like im being enough of a dick to cherrydale without having to be told.

  1. lalaladaisyland said: Woops, I’m blanking on the actress’ name, but she was Caroline in LDB, and she’s Asian. And also one of the police people is Asian.
  2. lalaladaisyland said: What did your friend say about Poe Party? I think from what I’ve seen from the trailer, the “gypsy” character bothered me most, and also, that all the authors are white (not sure about actors apart from the Persaud siblings.)
  3. lies reblogged this from welovewebseries and added:
    My hypothetical fandom lawyer for PD was going to have a real Hamilton Burger moment when that fact came out in court.
  4. welovewebseries posted this