Si Creabis, Fit Redunda.

I have dropped literally every liquid I have encountered this morning, including:

  • Melted butter (on pierogies)
  • Swiffer wetjet liquid (to clean up the melted butter)
  • Glue (to glue part of the swiffer that I didn’t notice was broken back together)
  • Cherry-pomegranate drink (on my carpet)
  • Vinegar (to try and get the stain out of the carpet, but spilled it in the kitchen first) 
  • Blue hair dye (because I learn lessons slowly) 

Fortunately the dye jar landed right side up and only speckled my feet. And it looks like most of the cherry-pom stain on the carpet came out with liberal applications of vinegar. 

What I’m saying is, I’m not allowed to hold any babies today. THEY’RE MOSTLY LIQUID. 

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