- The Washington Times - Friday, July 29, 2016

An Ohio man with a concealed carry permit was presented an award this week for saving a Mount Vernon police officer who was being attacked by a suspect.

Cpl. Michael Wheeler of Ohio’s Mount Vernon Police Department recounted Wednesday an incident last year when he was attacked by a homeless crystal meth addict. Cpl. Wheeler said the suspect knocked him onto his back and pinned him to the ground, The Federalist reported.

“I’ve never been in that situation before,” the 14-year department veteran told Inside Edition. “I’ve always been able to take control of a situation.”

Cpl. Wheeler said the man was reaching for his firearm when Dylan DeBoard appeared with a handgun drawn.

The officer said Mr. DeBoard announced he had a concealed weapon permit, and the suspect put his hands in the air.

That’s when Cpl. Wheeler managed to flip the suspect over and handcuff him.

PHOTOS: 11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives

Earlier this week, Cpl. Wheeler awarded Mr. DeBoard with the city’s Citizen’s Award of Valor.

He said he often stops by Mr. DeBoard’s home just to thank him.

“Every time I see him I let him know how much I appreciate what he did,” the officer said. “I wish a lot more of society would do what he did. There were people standing around, but they were just watching. I kept wondering why people didn’t do anything.”

• Jessica Chasmar can be reached at jchasmar@washingtontimes.com.

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