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Sara Duterte is pregnant with triplets 

Amid the Kadayawan Festival celebration, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte on Friday announced that she is on her seventh week of pregnancy with triplets. 

In a statement, Duterte expressed her gratitude to those who helped organize the Kadayawan Festival and explained her absence in public activities. 

"I would also like to share with you the news that I am pregnant and cannot join you in the merrymaking activities," she revealed. 

"We are expecting triplets and they are doing well on their 7th week. The human body is made to carry just one baby and I am experiencing threefold all the pregnancy symptoms that a woman goes through," the mayor explained. 

She added that although she is having a hard time with the symptoms as well as the complications of a multifetal pregnancy, she will continue to do her job as city mayor. 

"I will continue to work until I am allowed by the doctors to do so, however, I have been advised to avoid crowded places to lessen the chances of acquiring infections," she said. 

"I maybe physically weak but rest assured that I am on top of the situation here in our city," Duterte reassured her constituents.  — Trisha Macas/RSJ, GMA News