Paradox correcting time travel machine


Active Member
Paradox-Free Time Travel Machine

Earlier today I was reminiscing about some old stuff I saw years ago when futurama came back to tv after being cancelled. Shame that it finally ended but so many good things happened from 2006-2008, up until my life crashed and stuff.

Seeing that tv is imaginary and somewhat comes up with good ideas; it occurred to me about this; what of this was real? Considering how things are with television and all; sometimes some things on there are hidden messages in plain sight.

I typed on my computer time travel code; to code something that can send someone back in time. This came up.

In this show; it can only go back. But it also doesn't cause any trouble other than a paradox that corrects itself in the present. Basically it can go back in time and correct things before they get screwed up and change the progression of time and so forth.

What are your all's thoughts on simply reciting the code and having this machine come out of the blue and send you back to change things?

Think about it; it's probably just this simple and not that complex to pull this off and experience it. I believe it is simple and actually quite as real as these guys say it is.


Senior Member
Futurama is a comedy show...Paradoxes in time-travel are prevented by The Time-Travel Law Number One...
which is, create a temporary time-line in which anything can change without affecting the primary time-line :p :D
