The CZ 452: My Favorite .22 Rifle

Alex C.
by Alex C.

CZ out of the Czech Republic makes some absolutely stellar .22 rifles that are often overlooked in the USA because of preference for semi-autos or domestically manufactured products, but abroad CZ rimfire rifles are hugely popular. While they do have a following in the USA, in Europe CZ rules the roost and they are a favorite for small game hunters or target shooters across the continent.
In this episode we show off a CZ 452-2E and do some shooting with a suppressor.

Steve says: FYI: Alex’s scope is now called the Nikon P-RIMFIRE.

Transcript …

(insects buzzing and gun reloading) (metal ding of target being hit) (gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) – [Voiceover] Hey guys, it’s Alex C with TFP TV.

If you follow our program, then you know that I keep a madsen m47 in 30 ot 6 in my vehicle on the ranch in case I see a coyote.

But I keep a much smaller gun in case I see a different animal like a rabbit or a squirrel.

That gun is cz 452-2e with a threaded barrel usually equipped with a coastal gun p22 suppressor.

It’s a very light and handy 22 and it is, of course, a bolt action that can accept five or ten round magazines and it’s actually one of my favorite guns to shoot.

Who doesn’t like ringing steel with a 22 rifle all day? The cz 452’s receiver is made from a single steel billet and sports a hammer forge 16 inch barrel.

The trigger’s adjustable to the shooter’s taste and it can accept five or ten round magazines.

Although I prefer the flush fit five rounder.

While the barrel’s thread pitch was half by 20, I bought a half by 28 adapter for 20 dollars so I could run my 22 suppressor.

With an overall length of just over 33 inches, it sure is a handy little thing.

I put on a pretty big optic for a rather small 22, a Nikon p22 two to seven by 32; it’s served me well.

The radical’s very nice with clear marks for drop compensation at fixed distances.

But let’s shoot it a bit.

(gun loading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (metal ding and gun reloading) (gun shooting a blank) (metal ding and gun reloading in distance) (metal ding and gun reloading in distance) (metal ding and gun reloading in distance) Shooting steel with a suppressed 22 never ceases to entertain.

It always blows my mind how much louder the bullet impact in the steel is than the actual report of the rifle.

It’s also a great way to teach new shooters.

The rifle isn’t very intimidating because it doesn’t make too much noise.

(birds chirping) (gun loading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) (gun reloading and metal ping) So obviously the number one, most important factor to look for in a 22 or any rifle you’re going to use to hunt small game with is accuracy.

A squirrel or rabbit is a very small target.

And if I’ve learned one thing while hunting these animals, it’s that you can’t expect the animal to sit there and wait for you while you shoot it.

(gun firing) The cz-452 is a great option for most of our viewers and I say that with some confidence because being a bolt action, it’s not only 50 state legal but it’s also legal in restrictive countries like Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada and so on and so forth, pretty much anywhere you can get a fire arm, you can get some sort of bolt action 22.

That’s probably the least restricted fire arm in the world, that and shot guns, of course.

That being said, there’s other variants of this gun.

And there’s also the cz-455 which is somewhat similar.

I’m just a little biased because I’m so familiar with the 452 and having a lot of trigger time with this example, I just know that it’s a great gun.

I really like shooting it; it’s fantastic.

And thing is how it’s so popular around the world.

I’ve seen lots of videos of people in the UK using a variant of this gun.

There’s gonna be parts availability all over the place.

While the ruger 10/22 is kind of, obviously, the most popular 22 in the United States, semi automatics are more restricted in places like Australia, so this is an option for our Australian viewers to look at.

It’s a great rifle; you don’t have to wear the cowboy hat while shooting one either.

So that was test at about 80 to 85 yards right there.

And it grouped the first group of five rounds was about an inch.

And the second one was much less.

I almost same holed with every single one with wolf ammunition, which is good ammunition.

Really guys, this was kind of a self indulgent video.

I just wanted to showcase one of my favorite rifles, my favorite 22 for sure and hope you enjoyed it.

Special thank you for watching and hope to see you next time.

(gun fires and reloads)

Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

More by Alex C.

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2 of 44 comments
  • RickOAA . RickOAA . on Aug 01, 2016

    I almost bought one of the scout versions for my kid...but he ultimately decided on a 10/22. It's going to be set up in "liberty training rifle style." That said the CZ is the most gun you can buy for the money. My 22's had been ignored for years until my kid started shooting them.

  • Old Vet Old Vet on Aug 03, 2016

    I bought one a few years ago, replaced the trigger spring, redesigned the trigger guard to look more like a Remington 514, shortened the trigger shoe itself, and then set about lapping the barrel. I ended up with a .22 that was more accurate than this old shooter could appreciate fully. I put a large optic on it and shot competitively with my friends that shot only Anschutz. I held my own with all of them. It favored Wolf ammo though. At that time Wolf was a little expensive to just plink with for me. One trick I used was to shoot one Wolf downrange and then I could follow with 3-4 accurate shots with even the junkiest ammo due to the Wolf lube, I believe, from the first fowling shot. Sadly lost an eye and I can't shoot right handed anymore. I let a friend talk me into selling it to him....miss that little rifle a lot.
