Dallas Baptist University has decided to opt of the campus carry provision.[/caption]
Concealed handgun carry on public universities in Texas took effect Aug. 1.
Universities in Texas have finalized their policies for implementing the state law, known as Senate Bill 11, which permits concealed carrying of handguns on college campuses and requires public institutions to allow guns on parts of their campuses with exceptions.
Here’s what you need to know about the law:
1. The concealed carry law only applies to universities … for now.
SB 11 takes effect Aug. 1, 2017 for community colleges, so community colleges have another year to implement campus carry.
2. Openly carrying firearms is still illegal on college campuses.
Open carry, also known as House Bill 910, which allows license holders to openly carry holstered handguns in public spaces, is still prohibited at all colleges.
3. Private institutions can opt out of campus carry.
Dallas Baptist University Hurst-Colleyville made the decision to opt out of the campus carry provision on May 31. The decision was made by outgoing president Dr. Gary Cook in consultation with incoming president, Dr. Adam C. Wright, who became president on June 1.
In a statement, the university stated, "DBU holds firmly our charge to maintain a safe learning environment for our students. We rely on an excellent relationship with area police departments, including the Dallas, Grand Prairie and Cedar Hill Police Departments. The Dallas Police Department currently has a firing range and SWAT training facility across the street from our main campus. In order to help ensure that DBU remains a secure location for years to come, DBU has begun its own University Police Department, which is led by DBU Chief of Police John Shaw. Chief Shaw served for many years in the Grand Prairie Police Department and helped to establish their Police Academy."
4. The law went into effect on the 5oth anniversary of the University of Texas Tower shooting.
Aug. 1 also marks the 50th anniversary of the University of Texas Tower shooting, when gunman Charles Whitman opened fire on 49 people and killed 16.