Using fleece as bedding in an animal cage provides small pets with a plush, soft surface to walk on, and you can even customize the colors of the fleece to match your personal style. Fleece requires a little more upkeep than some other types of bedding, it wicks away moisture effectively, and it's easy to clean. Just brush or sweep it daily, then throw it in the washing machine about once a week while you're cleaning the rest of the cage! In addition, since it can be washed and re-used a number of times, fleece is a budget-friendly bedding option!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Cleaning the Cage

  1. With some types of bedding, feces will get sifted below the top layer, so you only have to clean it every few days. With fleece bedding, however, any debris will stay right on the surface, so you'll need to be committed to cleaning the cage every day. You can either pick up feces and spilled food by hand, or you can keep a small brush and dustpan near the cage, and simply sweep away the debris.
    • Do this at least once every day.
  2. Fleece will wick away urine and other moisture, but it holds that moisture at the bottom of the cage. To keep your pet healthy and happy, you'll need to take everything out of the cage once a week, including the bedding, and wash it all thoroughly.[1]
    • As with any bedding, failure to clean the cage at least once a week can lead to a dangerous buildup of ammonia that can make your pets very sick.
  3. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to clean your cage while your pet is present. It's best to have a separate holding cage where they'll feel safe and secure. This can be the carrying cage you brought your pet home in, a small, ventilated box with a secure lid, or even an empty bathtub, as long as the drain is completely covered.[2]
    • Place fresh food and water and toys in the holding cage so your pet doesn't get too stressed out. Also, make sure the cage has a secure lid so they can't escape.
  4. After you've moved your pet to the holding cage, remove the animal's food and water dishes, any toys, houses, or exercise equipment, and the fleece. In order to ensure the cage is fully cleaned, you'll need to wash each element separately.[3]
    • It can be a good idea to put different toys in the cage each time you clean it. That way, your pet will always have something interesting to come back to. Then, the next time you clean the cage, you can just add the toys you replaced last time.
  5. Since hay, food, and feces can all cling to the surface of the fleece, it's best to make sure you remove any large debris that might clog up your washing machine. You can take the fleece outside and shake it off thoroughly, or you can use the hose attachment on your vacuum cleaner to suck away dirt and debris.[4]
    • For a deeper clean, shake the fleece off outside, then vacuum it.
  6. After you've taken everything out of the cage, wipe the cage down thoroughly with a wet cloth or a baby wipe. This will help keep ammonia from building up in the cage if urine soaked all the way through the fleece. Allow the cage to dry completely before you put anything back into the cage to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
    • Avoid using harsh cleaners like bleach, even if you dilute it first. It can be hard to ensure you completely remove any chemical residue that might make your pets sick.

    Tip: For an all-natural, deeper clean, try wiping down your cage with vinegar.

  7. It won't do any good to put dirty items back into a clean cage. Use mild dish soap and hot water to wash the pet's food bowl, toys, hiding spots, exercise wheels, or anything else that goes into the cage, then rinse them thoroughly and let them air-dry.
    • Make sure the items are completely dry before you put them back into the cage. Most small pets thrive in a low-moisture environment.[5]
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Washing the Fleece

  1. Cleaning fleece bedding is as simple as placing it in your washing machine on a hot cycle. Use unscented detergent to protect the fleece's wicking ability, and run the cycle as you normally would.[6]
    • To ensure the fleece gets completely clean, it's best to use a small load, rather than overcrowding the washing machine.
    • If you'd prefer, you can also wash the fleece by hand in hot water.
  2. Liquid fabric softener can leave a film on fabrics that can affect its ability to repel moisture. Since it's essential that fleece bedding can wick away urine from your pet's living area, you should never use liquid fabric softeners when you're washing the bedding.[7]
    • However, you can add vinegar or a bacteria eliminator to the wash to fight odors, if you'd like.
  3. Once the fleece is washed, either place it in the dryer on low heat or hang it up to air dry. To prevent your pet's cage from getting too damp and possibly developing mold or mildew, make sure the fleece bedding is completely dry before you put it back into the cage.[8]
    • Don't dry your fleece on high heat. If you do, it might shrink, and it may not properly cover the bottom of your cage. [9]

    Tip: It can take a while for fleece to dry. To get your pet back in its cage as quickly as possible, it can be helpful to have a second piece of fleece that you can put in the cage after you finish cleaning. Then, you can wash the dirty fleece, dry it, and put it away to use the next time you clean the cage.

  4. Fleece will wick moisture away, but if you don't have anything absorbent in the bottom of the cage, the fleece will just stay wet. To avoid this, place something like an old towel or layers of newspaper in the bottom of the cage, then place the fleece on top of that.
    • Change or clean this absorbent layer each time you clean the fleece.
    • Since newspapers will get soggy when they're wet, a towel is typically easier to clean.
  5. After you've cleaned all of the components and replaced the fleece, you can start adding everything back to your pet's cage. Once everything is set up, carefully transfer your pet back to their clean, fresh cage!
    • Don't forget to refill your pet's food and water before you put it back in the cage.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Where can I buy bacteria eliminator? Would vinegar work?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Vinegar would work, though you may still want to look for bacteria eliminator. Check in your local pet store or supermarket.
  • Question
    What is better, wood shavings or fleece in the cage?
    Community Answer
    Wood shavings if you have an odor problem. Aspen or hemp works very well to absorb urine and droppings, and they have their own natural odor that can cover up the smell (but some people think that this is smelly in and of itself, so be sure to sniff the clean bedding before buying to make sure that it appeals to you). If you want something that's a little easier to clean, I'd go with fleece. Personally, I think that wood shavings are better because of their odor absorbing properties and because many small pets enjoy burrowing, but fleece is usually adequate as well and shouldn't do much harm to your pet.
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Things You'll Need

  • Holding cage for your pet
  • Hot water
  • Soap
  • Washcloth or baby wipes
  • Washing machine or sink
  • Unscented laundry detergent
  • Dryer or clothesline
  • Vacuum (optional)
  • Brush and dustpan (optional)
  • Extra piece of fleece (optional)


  • To ensure the fleece is able to wick urine away effectively, pre-wash it at least 3-4 times before you place it into the cage.

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About this article

Amy Bobinger
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger. Amy Bobinger has been a writer and editor at wikiHow since 2017. She especially enjoys writing articles that help people overcome interpersonal hurdles but frequently covers a variety of subjects, including health and wellness, spirituality, gardening, and more. Amy graduated with a B.A. in English Lit from Mississippi College in 2011 and now lives in her hometown with her husband and two young sons. This article has been viewed 43,034 times.
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Updated: February 25, 2021
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