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SIGINT Directors Set Strategic Direction for 5-Eyes SIGINT Enterprise


Describes a two-day planning session between SIGINT directors of Five Eyes spy agencies.


Aug 05, 2003


Feb 05, 2018

Page 1 from SIGINT Directors Set Strategic Direction for 5-Eyes SIGINT Enterprise
DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL (U) SIGINT Directors Set Strategic Direction for 5-Eyes SIGINT Enterprise FROM: SIGINT Communications Unknown Run Date: 08/05/2003 (U) At a first-ever two-day strategic planning session held earlier SERIES: this year, the SIGINT Directors of NSA, GCHQ (United Kingdom), (U//FOUO) Second Party CSE (Canada), DSD (Australia), and GCSB (New Zealand) agreed SIGINT Cooperation to a 5-Eyes** SIGINT Partnership Business Vision, a statement of principles for the 5-Eyes SIGINT Enterprise, and strategic goals and performance measures designed to position the Partnership to 1. SIGINT Directors Set better address the threats of today's world and to meet the Strategic Direction challenges of tomorrow. for 5-Eyes SIGINT Enterprise (U//FOUO) The principles and goals (see HERE ) span all the 2. Communications functional areas of the Enterprise and envision a working Security relationship beyond interoperability - a truly interactive, Establishment (CSE) cooperative SIGINT system which better serves the need of all - Our Good Neighbor while still respecting individual national needs and sovereignty. to the North 3. JESI: Don't Lose (S) The SIGINT Directors presented the results of their work to the That Number! Directors of the five Agencies in the margins of the recent 4. How SIGINT's Done PALLISER Heads of Service Conference in Canada. The Agency Down Under! Directors accepted the Business Vision in principle, and the SIGINT 5. SIGINT Directors to Directors took away actions to pursue implementation of the Collaborate Virtually business vision, working through the Joint Executive for SIGINT 6. SID 's Antipodal Interoperability (JESI). (Note: watch for a coming SIDtoday article Colleagues about JESI.) 7. TICKETWINDOW: Second Party (U//FOUO) **The term "5-Eyes" is shorthand for the U.S. and its Collection Sharing four Second Party partners. It derives from the 8. The Kiwi Connection "US/UK/CAN/AUS/NZ EYES ONLY" caveat that limits the - Fellowship of the distribution of SIGINT reports to the listed Second Party countries. Ring? "(U//FOUO) SIDtoday articles may not be republished or reposted outside NSANet without the consent of S0121 (DL sid comms)." DYNAMIC PAGE -- HIGHEST POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION IS TOP SECRET // SI / TK // REL TO USA AUS CAN GBR NZL DERIVED FROM: NSA/CSSM 1-52, DATED 08 JAN 2007 DECLASSIFY ON: 20320108