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Benefits of the Dealer Position in Poker

  • Published Date February 20, 2018
  • By Admin

Poker is very much a game of skill and technique, though there are certain elements of luck involved as well. When it comes to poker strategy, position is, without a doubt, incredibly important. By position, we are referring to being the dealer as you are in possession of the dealer button. When playing poker, it doesn’t matter if you favour online poker, or poker at a casino or a friend’s place, it’s important that you understand the importance of position in poker. When you are the dealer, you hold a significant advantage. How? Well, there are a number of reasons, which we’re going to be looking at below. Here’s a look at the benefits of the dealer position in poker.

What is position in poker? – When you play online poker, you will notice that each player will get a turn at being the dealer. The dealer button will be circulated clockwise around the table. This means that not only will each player get a go as dealer, but each player will also play as the big blind, and each player will also play as the little blind.

What are the benefits of the dealer position in online poker? – Some of the main benefits of being the dealer in poker include:

More info than the other players – First and foremost, one of the main reasons why being the dealer is considered so beneficial is the fact that it can help with your overall poker strategy. You see, the dealer goes last, which means that he or she can now see what every other player has done before them. For example, if a player hesitated for a long time, this could be because they weren’t sure how great their hand was. If, however, the player played right away, or if they raised, unless they were bluffing, this tells the dealer that they had a strong hand, so they would be one to watch.

Better bluffing opportunity – Bluffing is another important part of any poker strategy, and being the dealer will provide you with a number of bluffing opportunities. You know more about your players so you can use bluffs to your advantage. If you see that certain players are cautious, you could bluff early on to get them to fold perhaps.

More accurate bets – As you go last, you can see which players could be a threat to you, not to mention the fact that you get an idea of how the cards are going. This means that you can place more accurate bets without taking too many risks. As they say ‘knowledge is power’ and in the world of online poker, knowledge is as good as any key poker strategy.

Influence the final pot size – Finally, as you get last action as the dealer when playing online poker, this helps you to influence the overall final pot size. You see, if you’re almost certain that you have a very strong hand, you can raise. This means that if any other players wish to play, they will need to match the amount you raised. By going last, you can essentially squeeze more money out of the other players if you do decide to play. You could even go all in.  

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