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0:00 Overview
16:25 Divine Masculine Traits
27:15 Lustful Energies About
27:45 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction
28:20 Upcoming Events

This channeling is from the 12th Dimensional Blue Avians. This pair of beings is representing on behalf of the Blue Avian Collective as well as the Galactic Council. The Blue Avians have been visiting me quite frequently to discuss several of these topics.

This channeling is done by Paul Miljus. I have had lifetimes as a Blue Avian, Arcturian, and other various types of Avian beings.

Ever since I was young, I always thought Earth did not feel like home. This led me on a journey to learn more about Starseeds after my spiritual awakening 6 years ago. Thanks for watching.

Thanks for watching!

0:50 Blue Avians Introduce Themselves
3:40 Grounding
4:20 Spiritual Ego
5:45 International Conflicts
6:50 New Earth
8:40 Feminine Blue Avian
9:20 Ascending on Earth
10:00 AI Technology
12:15 Losing Jobs
15:05 Channeling Abilities
15:15 Channeling Course & Readings

#blueavians #starseed #channeling #newage #extraterrestrial #galactic council #ascension #awakening #spiritual #channeledmessage #channeler #blueavian #collective #arcturianstarseed #newearth

We are in a rare period of all-systems-go, where for a second straight month, all planets are direct! But...things are about to get a bit rocky at the end of March, with a powerful Mercury Retrograde in Aries and a really fascinating, powerful Eclipse Season!

#astrology #eclipseseason #piscesseason #astrologer #eclipse #aries #libra #mercuryretrograde

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the January 25/26, 2024 Full Moon in Leo--as well as Pluto entering into Aquarius. This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:
- The meaning of the sign of Leo
- What the polarity of Leo and Aquarius is about
- Why Pluto entering Aquarius is a grand astrological occasion
- What to expect on a world scale from Pluto entering Aquarius
- What the next 20 years (and beyond!) might be like on Planet Earth
- What it means when Uranus is stationing
- What it means now that all planets are going Direct
- Why it's important to be extra careful around this time
- How to find our individual Divine Service Mission on Planet Earth
- How to bring out your soul-based personality aspects
- Why people can have overblown egos--and even get angry and violent--around this time
- Why this is a great time to connect with and honor the Inner Child
- ...and MUCH MORE!

0:00 Overview
15:59 Uranus Station/All Planets Direct
21:43 Finding Our Individual Divine Service Work (w/ Journal Prompts)
25:34 Bringing Out Your Highest Personality
(w/ Journal Prompts)
33:09 Overblown Egos & Anger
34:41 Honoring the Inner Child
(w/ Journal Prompts)
41:33 Upcoming Events

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the December 12/13, 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius. This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:

#newmoon #sagittarius #mercuryretrograde

Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John trance channels a group of five Sirian extraterrestrial beings. In this fascinating and crucial channeling, the Sirians share:

-- Why it's so important that we spread knowledge
-- Why war has likely just begun
-- Why we should be weary of AI
-- How to raise our vibration
-- ...and MUCH MORE!

#channeledmessage #sirians #extraterrestrial #ufos #starseeds #sirianstarseed #newage #ascension #ets #lightship #vibration #wisdom #knowledge #trancechanneling #newage

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the November 26-27, 2023 Full Moon in Gemini. This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:
- The meaning of the sign of Gemini
- How the tense T-square in this chart is affecting world events
- How to better use the mind
- An overview of the different levels of mind
- How to become a better listener
- Why this is a great time for romance
- ...and MUCH MORE!

#fullmoon #gemini #geminifullmoon #geminimoon #sagittarius #sagittariusseason #tsquare #astrology #ascension #pluto #subconsciousmind #romance #newage #fifthdimension #disclosure

Spiritual Teacher & Intuitive Healer Matthew John trance channels a group of five Sirian extraterrestrial beings. In this fascinating and crucial channeling, the Sirians share:

-- How they are protecting humanity
-- How their Lightships come through our oceans
-- How they are not allowed to intervene in our direct affairs
-- How we can best enhance our spiritual gifts
-- ...and MUCH MORE!

#channeledmessage #sirians #extraterrestrial #ufos #starseeds #sirianstarseed #newage #ascension #ets

Paul channels the Arcturians!

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the October 28-29, 2023 Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra, and the October 31-November 2, 2023 celebrations around Samhain. This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of a Lunar Eclipse
- The meaning of a Full Moon
- The meaning of a North Node Eclipse
- The meaning of Eclipse Season
- The meaning of the sign of Taurus
- The meaning of the sign of Scorpio
- Why this is a great time to connect with the Earth
- Tips for reconnecting with the natural world
- Why the Scorpio energies are very exalted right now
- Tips for overcoming fears
- Why we are seeing war right now, from an astrology perspective
- Why money is not the root of evil
- How to have the best spiritual relationship with money (with journaling prompts and affirmations!)
- All about Samhain, All Hallow's Even, Dia de los Muertos, and more
- ...and MUCH MORE!

⁠0:00⁠ Overview & Living in Harmony with Nature
11:40 Doors to the Spirit World Wide Open
17:16 Strong Scorpionic Influence
24:55 Your Relationship with Money and the Material
38:45 Samhain, All Hallow's Eve & Dia de los Muertos
47:15 Upcoming Events

#lunareclipse #taurus #samhain #halloween #allhallows #diademuertos #tauruseclipse #eclipse #eclipseseason #northnode #scorpio #pluto #mars #mercury #astrology

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the October 14, 2023 New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Libra. This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of a Solar Eclipse
- The meaning of a New Moon
- The meaning of a South Node Eclipse
- The meaning of Eclipse Season
- The meaning of the sign of Libra
- The meaning of Pluto's Station Direct Phase
- How Pluto's Station Phase is affecting the world right now
- Why you have karma with the people closest to you
- How to alchemize karma in relationships
- Why sometimes stepping away is the best solution
- Why communication is key to alchemizing relationships
- ...and MUCH MORE!

0:00 Overview
5:42 Pluto Station
9:43 Healing Family & Romantic Relationships
17:49 Upcoming Events

#solareclipse #newmoon #libra #eclipse #eclipseseason #libraecllipse #libranewmoon #libraseason #pluto #plutostation #plutodirect #astrology #astrologer #plutoincapricorn #ascension

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the September 23, 2023 SuperMoon in Aries.

This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of the sign of Aries
- The meaning of a SuperMoon
- Why this is the beginning of Eclipse Season, and what it means
- How to be a better leader of your own life (with journal prompts)
- Why accessing courage is such an important part of the Ascension journey
- Why this is a harmonious time for partnerships
- Why this is a great time to make a new romantic connection
- Three planets are making a Minor Grand Trine! What does it mean?
- Why this is a good time to work on optimizing your physical health
- Why Pluto is a big deal right now, and how it is helping us to transform
- Why truths are being revealed to the collective at this time
- Why this is a great time to enhance your healing abilities
- ...and MUCH MORE!

#aries #supermoon #astrology #fullmoon #fullmooninaries #ariesfullmoon #eclipseseason #astrology #astrologer #plutoretrograde #plutostation #pluto #libra #libraseason #psychic

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the September 14/15, 2023 New Moon in Virgo.

This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation in your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of the sign of Virgo
- The meaning of Mercury Stationing Direct, and how it might affect you
- Practical advice for navigating this Mercury Retrograde-like period
- Why Uranus trining the sun and moon can help us to find creative solutions
- How many Retrogrades are there right now?
- How Virgo teaches us how to effectively use the left brain
- Practical tips for organizing your life
- How to improve your inner dialogue
- How to use daily rituals to improve your physical and mental health
- Why this is a great time for spiritual seeking
- Why this is a good time for romance
- Why many are reconnecting with their ex-lovers at this time
- ...and MUCH MORE!

0:00 Overview
1:59 Mercury Stations Direct & Uranus Trine
5:25 Using the Left Brain
11:36 Improving Inner Dialogue
15:34 Daily Rituals (w/ Journal Prompt)
17:46 Other Aspects of Note
19:48 Upcoming Events

#astrology #newmoon #virgo #newmooninvirgo #mercuryretrograde #mercurystation #neptuneretrograde #plutoretrograde #retrograde #uranusretrograde #astrologer #psychic #medium #newage #fifthdimension

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the August 16, 2023 New Moon in Leo.

This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation ion your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of the sign of Leo
- Why it's a great time to express our uniqueness
- Why it's a romantic time
- Why people are overspending
- Why it's a great time to get things done
- Why you should be working on your healing gifts now
- Why this is the time to find your 'authentic voice'
- How to connect with the Inner Child
- ...and MUCH MORE!

0:00 Overview
3:19 Feeling Romantic
4:39 Spending Extravagantly
5:13 Getting Things Done
7:05 Healing Gifts Emerging
13:19 Your Authentic Voice
24:27 Honoring the Inner Child
32:16 Maui Fires
34:56 Tarot Course & Ascending as One

#astrology #newmoon #leo #leonewmoon #newmooninleo #astrologer #leoseason #summer #psychic #energyhealing #reiki #venusretrograde #venus #newage #fifthdimension

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the Lughnasadh (July 31-August 1, 2023), as well as the Super Full Moon in Aquarius (August 1).

This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation ion your life :)

Topics discussed include:

- The meaning of Lughnasadh, and how to celebrate it
- The meaning of the sign of Aquarius
- Why it's important to put aside the ego at this time
- The importance of connecting with community
- How the North Node squaring Pluto is creating intense transformation
- The meaning of the Lion's Gate, and how to celebrate it
- ...and MUCH MORE!

#astrology #supermoon #aquarius #fullmoon #lughnasadh #lammas #pagan #newage #northnode #pluto #plutoretrograde #venusretrograde #leo #lionsgate #fifthdimension

Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Teacher Matthew John describes what you need to know about the July 17, 2023 New Moon in Cancer, as well as the True North Node entering Aries on the same day.

This astrology podcast is focused on giving you the tools to navigate the current energies in the best possible way, and to create healing and transformation ion your life :)

0:00 Overview
6:05 North Node Enters Aries (w/ Journal Prompts)
12:49 Getting Out of Our Shell/Intuition
15:04 What Does Home Mean?

#astrology #newmoon #cancer #cancerseason #wisdom #newage #ageofaquarius #ascension #fifthdimension #astrologer #journaling #northnode #aries #ariesnorthnode #lunarnodes


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

3475 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith