Amanda Kijera’s Son Clarifies His Mother’s Decision to Hold ‘The White Man’ Responsible For A Black Man’s Decision To Rape Her!

You might remember the post about Amanda Kijera and the horror she experienced in the form of rape when she was simply trying to do good in Haiti.
I received the following response from Alonzo Drayon Kijera defending his mother. My comments are in bold letters:
As her son it is my common belief that it is due to the ignorance of the white society that our brothers and sisters have little tolerance for the white society.
Ignorance or not, no one deserves to be the victims of violence including whites. Are you implying that your “brothers and sisters” are so angry that they possess the potential for violence? It also has to be said that your mother was not raped by “sisters.”
 Her statement was not to say that every Caucasian is this way, because therefore she would be contradicting herself.
And every black person would not resort to rape simply because they are racially oppressed. You aren’t saying that directly but your words and those of your mother imply just that.
Instead of further more antagonizing this realist, she should be praised. Praised for the eyes she has opened across the nation.
I have to be very honest and say that I don’t see your mother as a realist in this case. I took her words to be knee jerk. In other words, she was probably desperately trying to give that black animal the benefit of the doubt even though he violated her in the worst way. Perhaps she was trying to avoid any racist feelings that were festering as a result of the trauma she experienced. But what you need to understand is that placing blame on oppression by white society is actually doing more harm than good to the very people she was fighting for. It’s like saying ‘the poor darkies can’t help but to act like animals because they have no sense of right and wrong.’    
To see my own mothers name burn into flames due to exploits and white supremacists i not only disrespectful but proves her point all the more.
It doesn’t prove her point but I will agree that white supremacists/nationalists need to cease pointing fingers at nonwhites because they are more of a threat to white women or people in general than blacks are.
Over all, your mother is dealing with this trauma the best way she knows how. Everyone heals in their own way.
6 Responses to “Amanda Kijera’s Son Clarifies His Mother’s Decision to Hold ‘The White Man’ Responsible For A Black Man’s Decision To Rape Her!”
  1. The statement made was intended to represent racism in the past not present. Although there is still racism about. And in no way am I implying that this is anger that man was showing, but rather vengeance. I mean to my understanding sense elementary school the African American women were raped during slavery. So now it seems as though his intentions were based more on race than for his sexual pleasing. and whether or not she was raped only she knows that. Had it not been true that his for her to dwell in. the discussion is not based on whether white women are being victimized. It’s were the justification in what this man did lies. It’s about the point he was trying to make and what it was a reaction to.

    • LorMarie says:

      I understand the point you are trying to get across but I don’t agree with it. Racism in the past including the rape of black women is irrelavent and the Hatian rapist should not be given any be given any benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t matter what happened to black women or black men in the past, this rapist had no excuse. White men (including racists), white women, black women, etc bear no responsibility for the crimes comitted by a black man and vice versa.

      • i understand your point of view and very much respect it. I’m not making excuses for him, just that without understanding for why he did it unless he at some point during the attack stated why he was doing it. we can’t be sure why he did this. And at that why this particular women. Why not any other women on the street. After all statistics show that 80% Haitian women are in the prostitutions rink. This means he easily could have engaged in sexual activities with any number of numorus women. Her being most likely the only Caucasian women in that area at that time of the day, are you prepared to argue that her racial background had nothing to do with her attack. I suppose it’s a situation that you yourself would haft to place yourself in her shoes. Here she is alone walking the streets of a dangerous area. A earthquake has just devastated that area. Food shortage, poverty, sickness, and disease is slowly taking over the Haiti nation and her are our troops setting standards for them, allowing only a certain amount of civilians into the homeless shelter. Would you not have been mad? Angered that another country had decided they were going to be taking control of the situation. I believe that’s why he did what he did. Because here was this woman who did not belong and knew it, yet she was there. This was his way of making her regret ever coming there. He desecrated her. Violated, disrespected, and shamed her. Took advantage of a woman who meant well.

  2. Justin says:

    A bad day for everyone, I would say. We need to be sympathetic and helpful while still being wise.

  3. rutterman786 says:

    Alonzo clearly doesn’t understand how rape works. Rapists do what they do because it turns them on to force sex on their victims. This jabroni wasn’t making some political statement, he saw Amanda Kijera, wanted her, and decided to take her. I’m sure her race was a factor, but not in the way he thinks. Ms Kijera’s rapist probably was turned on by the idea of doing it to a white woman. The guy knew he could have her, and in the lawless, corrupt society he lives in, he knew he would get away with it. The Kijeras may think the poor oppressed Haitian was using his penis on Amanda to send some political message, but I can practically guarantee you that is not what was going on. To put it bluntly, he saw Amanda as a hot piece of ass that he could do anything he wanted with. And if she became sexually aroused during the attack, particularly if she had an orgasm, he undoubtedly felt like he did her a favor by giving her something she wanted, not some kind of punishment for the white man’s transgressions.

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