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Corporate B.S. Generator (atrixnet.com)
57 points by srathi on Jan 5, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

The first few tries were a little too obvious, but then, magic happened:

    interactively orchestrate B2B meta-services
Cool idea!

Not as cool as this one

>professionally incubate state of the art "outside the box" thinking

I think that's the Google X mission statement

Wow! ... That is just awesome!

That's already an idea for a startup here!

And "b2bm.io" is amazingly unclaimed.

One could sell administrator bot to all the universities and other large organizations for a small fraction of a human admin's pay.

What should we do next administrator bot?

continually envisioneer goal-oriented initiatives

reminds me of Enterprisify your Java Class Names!:


It is good but a bit unsatisfying as they are stingy on factories, handlers, proxies and singletons.

Excellent. I rate it pretty much as high as the git man page generator! Thanks for posting, and please, PLEASE, all of you, do continue to uniquely develop performance based scrums, it is essential to this company's future!

[0]: https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/

Also a handy memorable password generator!

Now you have exposed the magic.

rapidiously fabricate standards compliant experiences

This sounds like a goal bullet on any bank password requirements “feature”.

If you've not seen it, the "Turbo Encabulator" is a good watch.


The 3 best I got:

dynamically cloudify long-term high-impact architectures

distinctively grow hyper-scale convergence

enthusiastically leverage other's resource-sucking partnerships

fungibly repurpose resource-sucking technology

1. Generate a phrase

2. Append "on the blockchain"

3. Launch your ICO


No "blockchain" in the list of nouns :-(

"efficiently plagiarize cross-unit results"

At least they're honest.

Did you find this in the citation of an ICO white paper?

Appropriately scale extensible quality vectors.

I haven't worked on this for ages, and never really finished filling up all word lists with enough words, but just to give you an idea for how you can get fun results in a super simple way, some excerpts from the files that make it up (the "algorithm" is actually easiest part, the hard and fun bit is coming up with words), and some examples:

some examples for some word lists:

    buzz adj			atomic, neutral, energetic, dynamic
    buzz adj process		integrating, horizontal, dynamic
    buzz adv			dynamically
    buzz noun device		generator, module
    buzz noun process		integration
    buzz noun resource		wisdom, community, client, security, information
    buzz noun resource plur	clients, partnerships

    corp adj corp-feature	governmental, associated
    corp adj corp-status	incorporated, associated
    corp adj resource-feature 	public, open, governmental
    corp name			indigo, paradox
    corp noun process		processing
    corp noun resource		information

    gen letter 			a, b, c
    gen name given female	gabi
    gen name given male		bobby
    gen name sur		smith, frank
snippets using those:

    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun process] [Corp adj corp-status]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun process] [Corp noun corp-type]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun process] [Corp noun corp-type] [Corp adj corp-status]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process] [Corp adj corp-status]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process] [Corp noun corp-type]
    corporation°[Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource] [Corp noun corp-type]
    corporation°[Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process] [Corp noun corp-type] [Corp adj corp-status]
    corporation°[Corp adj corp-feature] [Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource]
    corporation°[Corp adj corp-status] [Buzz adj] [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz adj] [buzz noun item sing] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz adj] [buzz noun process] of [Buzz noun resource]
    job description°[Buzz adj] [buzz noun processor] of [Buzz noun resource]
    job description°[Buzz adj] [buzz noun resource] [buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz adv] [buzz verb]s the [Buzz noun item plur]
    job description°[Buzz adv] [buzz verb]s the [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun item plur]
    job description°[Buzz adv] [buzz verb]s the [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz noun item sing] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz verb]s the [Buzz noun resource] [Buzz noun process]
    job description°[Buzz verb]s the [Buzz noun resource] [buzz noun item plur]
and then both can get used in templates in various ways. Some results:

> Founded in 1974 by Ethelbert V. Bonior and Kristian Elliott, we specialize in recognition of speculation, with a value-added certification of plausability. Other areas of expertise are trust production, fusion of confusion, digitized networks counting, needs-based definition of e-business and privacy redefinition.

> Founded in 1997 by Corabella A. Franks and Marrissa Dante, we specialize in discovery of encryption, with a digitized reduction of authority. Other areas of expertise are greed tracking, interfacing of transparency, structured synergy transportation, driven computing of music and storage transfer.`

Our products include:

Eco-centric Badger Pool

For stability integration. Streamlines plausability.

    - private change enhancer
    - capability identification packager
    - re-contextualized archiver of feedback
    - sophisticated elimination of mindshare
    - ethical module enforcement producer
Tertiary Web Branch

For quality assurance response. Seizes space.

    - efficient analysis of greed
    - integrated communication visualization
    - bi-linear footprint transaction
    - feedback redefinition visualizer
    - technology responder

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