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I Laughed Really Hard At These 23 Pictures, And I'm Advising You Not To Look At Them Unless You Want To Laugh, Too

I'm warning you.

1. Don't read this final wish:

2. Don't read about this unrealistic standard:

3. Don't read this very sad Backyardigans account:

4. Don't read this movie review:

5. Don't read about this party:

6. Don't read about this dog's diet:

7. Don't even look at this man:

8. Don't read this triumph:

9. Don't read about this courtship:

10. Don't look at this mistake:

11. Don't read this plot of literally every horse movie:

12. Don't read this plot twist, either:

13. Don't read this pet story:

14. Don't read about this love letter:

15. And don't read about these cows:

16. Don't read into this picture:

17. Don't try to figure this one out:

18. Don't check out these clouds:

19. Don't read this beauty story:

20. Don't look at this recipe:

21. Don't read these instructions:

22. Don't look at this text post:

23. And — I'm warning you...don't watch this Vine:

YT: WeaklingChris / Via