You've decided to hire a birth coach (also known as a doula), but you're not sure how to go about the hiring process. Well, don't worry! After you choose a few preliminary candidates, set up the interview, and conduct the interview, you should be on your way to hiring the doula who's right for you.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing Preliminary Candidates

  1. Despite its original name, DONA International certifies doulas around the world and connects them with clients. The database lists only certified doulas and approved trainers. Enter your zip code or address in the “Location” field. Next, choose the maximum distance you'd like between your address and the doula's. Finally, click “Find a Doula,” and select candidates from the results.
    • Choose whether you'd prefer just a birth doula or one who can also help you after you give birth. Then, select the level of certification you'd prefer.[1]
  2. Ask your friends and family members who they hired and whether they were happy with their choices. Talk to your OB-GYN about doulas other patients have hired. You can also contact local childbirth educators and parenting groups for possible candidates.[2]
  3. Many apprentice doulas will charge very little or nothing in exchange for gaining experience. Rest assured that certified doulas always accompany apprentices. Find a doula in training through DONA International or by searching for them through your favorite search engine.[3]
    • Some communities also have certified doulas who volunteer their services to low-income women. Check with your doctor or local hospital for referrals.[4]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Interviewing Doulas

  1. Check your calendar to avoid any scheduling conflicts. Ask the doula for a date and time that works for them. If you live with one or more people, have them accompany you to make sure everyone gets along. Choose a local coffee shop, park, or other location you can agree on. Avoid interviewing the doula in your home unless you know them.
    • Reserve about an hour for each interview. This will allow you enough time to get to know each other. It will also allow you to interview more than one candidate per day if you have the energy. Don't push it beyond one hour, especially if the doula has a client to meet.[5]
  2. You might luck out and click with the first doula you interview. However, this isn't a likely possibility. Talk to at least three to five candidates before making a decision.[6]
  3. This will help you to make your decision after the interview is over. To save time, write out what you want to say beforehand. Leave enough space between questions and discussion points to jot down the doula's responses.
  4. You'll be trusting your health and that of your baby to your doula. Ask them where they received their training and if they have a back-up who can cover for them if necessary. Throw in some open-ended questions to get some insight into their personality. Some other good questions include:
    • Do you have other clients? If so, how many?
    • Which techniques do you use to help your clients through childbirth?
    • How will you work with the obstetrician or midwife?[7]
    • How have you dealt with births that went differently from what the mother had planned? If so, how did you handle the situation?[8]
  5. Doulas charge different amounts of money depending on where they're based and how long they've been certified. Ask them how much they're willing to lower their fee, especially if you'll also need them for postpartum support. Meet them in the middle, if necessary.
    • If you can't get them to lower their fee, ask if they offer a sliding scale or payment plan.[9]
  6. If you decide to interview an apprentice, their supervisor will have to accompany them to your appointments. Ask them the same questions. Make sure the supervisor can elaborate on issues the trainee might not have mastered yet.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Selecting a Candidate

  1. Your doula should be a voice of reason during a hectic time and be able to calm you down when you're feeling stressed. If they're stressing you out simply during the interview, they're not a good match. Make sure you get along well with them, since you'll likely be seeing them regularly for a few months.[10]
  2. If you can't trust someone in your home, let that be a deal breaker. Trust your own reactions, but also ask the opinion of anyone who accompanied you to the interview. To be extra sure, invest in a paid background search through your local law enforcement agency.[11]
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth are stressful enough. The last thing you need is your loved ones bickering with or complaining about the doula. Go with the candidate who will nurture and support them, as well as you.[12]
  4. Compare your notes with information you find from doula associations and your doctor. Check if your questions were answered thoroughly. If you really want an apprentice doula, make sure their supervisor makes up for any lack of knowledge.[13]

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  • If you interviewed more than one doula, contact the ones who didn't make the cut. You don't have to go into detail as to why. Just tell them you're going with someone else.[14]
  • If you can't find a doula who's right for you, ask a trusted friend, family member, and/or your partner if they could be your coach while you're in labor.


  • Not all healthcare providers cover the costs of birth doulas. Contact your insurance company or national healthcare provider for information for details.[15]

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Updated: October 11, 2022
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