Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting the nail salon. Their removal can be quick and easy as well, and you can do it right at home. You can remove powder nails using acetone and aluminum foil, or you can opt for the acetone soak. Whichever method you choose, you should be left with healthy and happy nails.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Aluminum Foil

  1. Removing the shiny top coat of your powder nails is important for removal. File each nail thoroughly and evenly — this will make the powder come off much more efficiently.[1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    Either pull apart cotton balls so the pieces are the size of your fingernails, or use whole cotton balls to soak in 100% pure acetone. Each cotton ball will cover 1 fingernail.[2]
    • The cotton balls shouldn’t be dripping with acetone, but they should contain plenty of acetone to properly soak your nails.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    Once the cotton balls have acetone on them, place each cotton ball on a corresponding nail. Wrap each nail in a small piece of aluminum foil, making sure the foil completely covers the nail and will hold the cotton ball in place.
    • Wrapping a significant part of your finger as well as your fingernail will ensure the foil stays put.
  4. Letting your nails soak for 10-15 minutes will ensure that the acetone does its job. Try not to move the foil or cotton balls around too much before the time has elapsed.[3]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    When removing the foil and cotton balls, press down slightly on each nail so that the cotton ball will help wipe off the powder. Remove all of the foil and cotton balls, and file off any residue left over from the powder.
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Soaking in Acetone

  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    Use a nail file to sand down the top layer of the powder. Filing each nail thoroughly and evenly will help the acetone soak into the powder more efficiently.[4]
  2. Find a bowl that will fit another smaller bowl inside of it, and fill the large bowl with hot water. The water doesn’t need to be boiling — it shouldn’t burn your fingers. You can easily heat up the water by microwaving it for less than 1 minute.
  3. If you want to soak both of your hands at the same time, you’ll need to find 2 bowls that will both fit in the larger bowl together. The easiest method is to choose 1 smaller bowl that will fit in the larger bowl and soak each hand 1 at a time.
    • When choosing a smaller bowl, make sure it’s big enough to fit all 5 nails.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    Fold a paper towel into halves or thirds and thoroughly cover it in 100% pure acetone. It doesn’t need to be so saturated that it’s dripping, but it should be able to easily soak your nails.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    Let your nails sit in the acetone for 10-15 minutes to ensure the acetone soaks into the powder. If you’re doing 1 hand at a time, soak 1 hand for 10-15 minutes and then soak the other hand for another 10-15 minutes.
    • To prevent the smell of acetone from becoming overwhelming, place a towel over your hand and the bowl. It’s also smart to open a window or turn on a fan.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Powder Nails
    After the 10 to 15 minutes have elapsed, remove your nails from the bowl and wipe them off with a paper towel. If there is any residue left, you can use a nail file to remove it.[5]


  1. ↑ https://thebeautydepartment.com/2013/01/removing-gel-nails-at-home/
  2. ↑ Mia Rubie. Nail Artist. Expert Interview. 23 April 2020.
  3. ↑ Mia Rubie. Nail Artist. Expert Interview. 23 April 2020.
  4. ↑ Mia Rubie. Nail Artist. Expert Interview. 23 April 2020.
  5. ↑ https://snsnails.com/for-salons/faq/


Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you remove powder nails at home without acetone?
    Mia Rubie
    Mia Rubie
    Nail Artist
    Mia Rubie is a Nail Artist and the Owner of Sparkle San Francisco, a nail studio based in San Francisco, California. She has over eight years of nail artist and management experience and is known for her push-the-envelope designs and artistic eye for colors. Her clients include Sephora, Target, and Vogue. Her work has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle and StyleCaster. She holds a BBA focusing on Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations from San Francisco State University. You can find her work on her Instagram account @superflynails.
    Mia Rubie
    Nail Artist
    Expert Answer
    Honestly, there may be tips out there, but I wouldn't recommend any of them. Acetone is really the only efficient way to remove them. You can always swing by a nail salon and ask a pro to take them off for you if you don't want to use acetone at home.
  • Question
    Where do I buy acetone?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can buy acetone at a pharmacy, beauty shop, salon, and some local supermarkets sell it as well.
  • Question
    How can I stop my eyelids from being droopy?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try holding ice cubes on your eyes and under them on your eye bags. This should help refresh your face and make your eyelids appear less droopy.
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Things You'll Need

  • Nail file
  • Paper towels
  • 100% pure acetone
  • Cotton balls (for foil method)
  • Aluminum foil (for foil method)
  • Large bowl (for bowl method)
  • 1-2 smaller dishes (for bowl method)

About this article

Mia Rubie
Co-authored by:
Nail Artist
This article was co-authored by Mia Rubie. Mia Rubie is a Nail Artist and the Owner of Sparkle San Francisco, a nail studio based in San Francisco, California. She has over eight years of nail artist and management experience and is known for her push-the-envelope designs and artistic eye for colors. Her clients include Sephora, Target, and Vogue. Her work has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle and StyleCaster. She holds a BBA focusing on Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations from San Francisco State University. You can find her work on her Instagram account @superflynails. This article has been viewed 571,529 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 1, 2024
Views: 571,529
Article SummaryX

To remove powder nails, first file the tops of your nails to remove the shiny top coat layer. Filing off this layer will make it easier to remove what’s underneath. Fill a bowl with acetone nail polish remover, then soak your nails in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Drape a damp, hot towel over the bowl to speed up the process. The steam trapped by the towel will help the powder nails come off faster. Finally, wipe off any remaining powder on your nails with a cotton ball soaked in acetone. Wait a few days before you apply more powder nails to help keep your nails healthy and strong. If you want to learn how to soak your nails in acetone to remove powder nails, keep reading!

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  • Anonymous


    Jan 29, 2018

    "It took a little longer than ten mins with the foil, but it did eventually work. Thanks very much for the..." more

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