First Trailer for James McTeigue's Home Invasion Thriller 'Breaking In'

January 11, 2018
Source: YouTube

Breaking In Movie Trailer

"I will do anything to protect my kids." Holy smokes, this looks awesome! Universal has debuted the first official trailer for a home invasion thriller titled Breaking In, which kind of twists the old home invasion concept just a bit. Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who moves with her children to her father's old home which features very high tech security. When intruders break in and lock her out, she must figure out how to break back in and rescue her kids, stopping at nothing to get back at these invaders. This is, crazy enough, the next movie from V for Vendetta director James McTeigue. The film's full cast includes Billy Burke, Richard Cabral, Seth Carr, Levi Meaden, and Ajiona Alexus. This seriously looks badass, and I am glad it has some twists on the unusual home invasion plot. I'm definitely in. This May, payback is a mother.

Here's the first official trailer for James McTeigue's Breaking In, direct from Universal's YouTube:

Breaking In Trailer

Next Mother’s Day, Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who will stop at nothing to rescue her two children being held hostage in a house designed with impenetrable security. No trap, no trick and especially no man inside can match a mother with a mission when she is determined on Breaking In. Breaking In is directed by British filmmaker James McTeigue, of the films V for Vendetta, Ninja Assassin, The Raven, and Survivor previously. The screenplay is written by Ryan Engle (Non-Stop, Rampage); based on a story by Jaime Primak Sullivan. This film is produced by Will Packer and Gabrielle Union, as well as Will Packer Productions' James Lopez, and Practical Pictures' Craig Perry and Sheila Taylor. Universal will open James McTeigue's Breaking In in theaters everywhere starting May 11th this summer. First impression? You in?


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Looked kinda interesting until the Rhianna style music dropped in killing any tension and reminding the viewer not to worry about the main character being in any peril because she's a sassy badass who ain't gonna take no sh**.

Payne by name on Jan 11, 2018



Ash master on Jan 11, 2018


Rihanna can ruin your best day before you can say pumpkins.

tarek on Jan 12, 2018


As said, music killed everything interesting in this ... Such a mediocrity ...

shiboleth on Jan 11, 2018


Yeah pass...Just make NINJA ASSASSIN 2.

DAVIDPD on Jan 11, 2018


Used to think Ms Union wasn't a bad actress...but "mad" seems to be her default emotion in almost everything I have seen her do in the last long time...

kitano0 on Jan 11, 2018


You mean she is the female version of Nick Cage?

tarek on Jan 11, 2018


Looks great!

Sean Taylor on Jan 11, 2018


Thought the music was a misstep as well, but the clips look promising. Sure, derivative in the sense that we've seen it before in films like Fincher's Panic Room... But perhaps it will be on the level of 2016's Don't Breathe, which is definitely watchable if you like thrillers.

Terry Craig on Jan 12, 2018


*Sigh* terrible music, unrealistic expectations, cheesy dialogue. Trailer shows too much. Should have been 30 seconds long. And for heavens sake, unless the woman is a trained assassin/military/navy seal... please stop trying to BS the audience to believe something that is literally impossible. She's a pissed mom. Doesn't change anything that she should have died in the first few minutes of going toe to toe with the bad guys.

backwardsprogress on Jan 15, 2018

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