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Why 99.95% Of Entrepreneurs Should Stop Wasting Time Seeking Venture Capital

Updated Jul 22, 2013, 10:04am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

It is difficult to pick up a major business publication today without reading about venture capitalists (VCs, defined as professionally-managed VC limited partnerships that invest in early-stage ventures), about their skills in finding great investment opportunities, and about the ventures they fund. And lately in states like Minnesota, it is also about how they can create jobs if the governor would speak favorably about the need for VC and offer some state pension money for them to invest. And since we all like to talk about our successes, the stories are about how entrepreneurs secured VC and soared to wealth in a very short time via an IPO or a strategic sale. This can lead other entrepreneurs to think that this is the only model for success, that there is no other way to build a major company, and that they should write business plans, attend VC conferences, seek VC, and give VCs control of their venture.

The net result is that more entrepreneurs ask “How can I get VC” rather than “Will I get VC,” “Should I get VC,” or the key one, “Can I build my company without VC or by delaying VC?” The question of how to get VC presumes that everyone can get VC, if only they knew the method. I will address “Will you get VC?” in this blog and address the other questions in future blogs.

Due to the high risk in emerging ventures, VCs are very picky. And in a free, capitalist society such as this there are always more dreamers than successes. So it might not surprise you to know that VCs finance only about one or two ventures out of 100 business plans they see. They reject the other 98-99 percent either because they are not in the preferred industries, have not displayed the potential or the proof of potential, have not been referred by the right person, or any one of many reasons.

The reality is that most ventures do not qualify for venture capital and never will. According to the Small  Business Administration, about 600,000 new businesses are started in the U.S. each year, and the number of startups funded by VCs was about 300. This means that the probability of an average new business getting VC is about 0.0005 (300/600,000), and it also means that 99.95 percent of entrepreneurs will not get VC at startup.

Are your odds better if you are an existing venture? It does not seem to change much. More entrepreneurs may get VC, but the proportion seems to be about the same. Most VCs like to invest in ventures after the potential has been proven and the risk reduced. In the first quarter of 2012, only three percent of VC funding went to start-ups. So about 97 percent goes to ventures on a post-startup basis, and the number of ventures funded increases to about 3,000-3,500. In addition, by building your venture to a level where your potential is evident, you are more likely to attract many VC funds to show an interest in you. This allows you to pick the right VC for your business, to negotiate better terms, to keep more of the business and to keep more control. As an example, Steve Shank, who built Capella University, decided to use his own savings and angel funding to reach a level of credibility before he sought VC. At that time, he was able to select the right one from multiple VC funds who were interested in financing his business.

But what are your odds of getting VC at a later stage? The average age of a venture at VC funding was about four years. If you assume that the range was about 0-8 years, this means that there are about 4,800,000 ventures started in the eight year period. So the probability that you will get VC funding at a later date is about 0.0.00068 (3,250/4,800,000), which means that 99.93 percent of you will never get VC.

So if nearly all of you in the U.S., and an even larger proportion of entrepreneurs around the world will never qualify for VC, you may want to know why you read about VCs continuously in the business press, especially if the journalists believe in writing for the audience. Firstly, the home runs that VCs fund, like Microsoft , Google and Apple , do change the world. Secondly, VCs believe in public relations

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(and so should you to promote your venture) and spend millions to get it. By investing in public relations, they manage to make themselves and their investments more glamorous so they can command high valuations for them when they sell their ventures to a strategic buyer or to the investing public via an IPO. But please remember that just because you read about venture capital, venture capitalists, or their successes, does not mean that you will get venture capital.

MY TAKE: Hardly any of you will ever get VC. Actually, most of you may never see the inside of a VC’s office. So, if you want to build a major business, learn to build it without VC. That’s what most of the billion-dollar entrepreneurs did.