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Seed germination is a necessary part of growing trees, but it can often be a long and tricky process. Tree seeds can be germinated naturally, or they can be “forced” by assisted germination. Assisted germination is helpful if you want to speed up the overall germination process. Many tree seeds have similar germination processes, but it is best to research the exact requirements for the species of tree you plan to grow.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Germinating Seeds Naturally

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  1. Begin the planting process during autumn. Get a medium-sized plant pot that has drainage holes at the bottom. Layer the bottom of the pot with small stones. Only put enough stones so that you can’t see the bottom of the pot. Then, fill the pot with natural compost. Fill it up almost all the way, but leave about a 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) of space at the top of the pot.[1]
    • Natural compost is made out of decomposing organic materials, such as leaves, hay, and raw vegetables.
    • You can use store-bought compost if you do not have homemade compost.
  2. Once the pot has been filled with compost, dig out a small hole in the center of the pot. It should be about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) deep. Insert 2 or 3 seeds into the hole. Then, replace the compost and pat it down. After that, water the compost until it appears wet.[2]
  3. You can put the pot outside in a shady corner, or you can put it near a window that doesn’t get much light. Wherever you put it, the spot should not receive constant sunlight. Keeping the seeds at a temperature between 65 °F (18 °C) and 75 °F (24 °C).[3]
  4. This will prevent birds and animals from eating the seeds. First figure out the circumference of the top of the pot. Use wire cutters to cut the wire mesh a little larger than the measurement you took. Then, put the wire mesh on top of the pot and fold the wire mesh over the edges. Make sure that it is secure and can’t be easily removed.[4]
  5. Check the soil daily to see if it is dry. If it is, add water to the soil. The soil should be damp but not wet.[5]
  6. Natural germination will take longer than assisted germination. Your seeds will likely take 2 seasons to complete the germination process. If you planted the seeds in early autumn, check their progress in early spring. They have completed germinating if you see a small sprout growing out of each seeds.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Assisted Germination

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  1. To speed along the process of germination, you can trick the seeds into “thinking” they’ve gone through the typical dormancy and germination period. A seed may take 2 seasons to germinate naturally, but this process will speed up germination to 90 days. To begin, gather your materials to replicate the summer season. You will need:[7]
    • A container that can hold hot water and all of your seeds
    • Your seeds
    • Warm or hot (not boiling) water
  2. Then, pour the hot water over them. Make sure the seeds have been completely covered with water. At this stage, it doesn't matter whether they sink or float.[8]
  3. Floating seeds typically mean that they are empty and will not produce a seedling. You may replace the water after 24 hours with more warm water, and wait another day if you want to give them another chance to float.[9]
  4. After you’ve replicated the summer season, it is time to replicate cold weather. Prepare the following materials before you proceed:[10]
    • A plastic sandwich bag
    • Paper towel
    • Tap water
    • Refrigerator
  5. Fold the paper towel and moisten it with water so it is wet, but not dripping. Then, insert the paper towel into the plastic sandwich bag. Make sure that the seeds don’t fall out.[11]
  6. This process is called cold stratification. Put the sandwich bag in a place where it won’t be bothered. Typically, the bottom drawer is a good spot for the sandwich bag.[12]
    • It’s a good idea to label the bag with something like “tree seeds” to avoid disturbance.
    • Don’t put the seeds into the bottom drawer if it is on a humidity control setting.
  7. To check, open the bag without letting the seeds fall out. Look at the seeds. They should be larger, but should not appear spongy. If they appear engorged and spongy, take them out of the bag. Throw them out if they feel spongy.[13]
  8. If you’ve left the seeds in the refrigerator, the cold stratification will be completed after 90 days. Remove them from the refrigerator to begin the final stage of the assisted germination process.[14]
  9. Put the seeds in a paper towel and fold it. Then, put the paper towel in a plastic bag. Place the plastic bag in a warm location. 72 to 82 °F (22 to 28 °C) is an ideal temperature for the seeds. Once the seeds begin to sprout, it is time to pot or plant them.[15]
    • The time it will take them to sprout depends on the type of seeds you have. Check the progress of the seeds once a week.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Planting the Seedlings

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  1. The seeds should have produced sprouts before repotting them or planting them. And to sprout, the seeds need to go through the process of germination. You can use natural or assisted germination to complete the process.
  2. Seedlings should begin to appear around springtime. If they have grown significantly, you can repot them or plant them outside. Keep in mind that seedlings are often targeted by weeds and animals, so it is typically better to protect them inside for about a year.[16]
    • Use a potting soil that release nutrients slowly.
  3. If you choose to protect the seedlings until they grow larger, keep the seedlings inside in a sunny area. Keep the seedling inside for about a year, until they reach 15 to 19 inches (38 to 48 cm) tall. Keep the soil damp during this time.[17]
    • You may need to water the soil daily if it does not stay damp.
  4. Because the seedlings have mostly or only grown indoors, slowly begin to expose them to the outside after a year. The best time to begin exposure is during early spring. Ideally, put the pot in a place with dappled sunlight. Start by putting the seedlings outside for 2 hours during the day. Then, increase the daily outside time by an hour each day. After a few days, permanently move the seedlings outside.[18]
  5. If the tree won’t grow very large, it’s okay to keep it in a pot. For most trees, it will be necessary to plant them in the ground. Find a clear location with plenty of sunlight. Dig a hole that is at least an inch deep, depending on the size of the seedlings. Plant the seedlings and cover the hole back up with soil. Plant the seedlings at least 3 feet (91 cm) apart if you are planting multiple trees.[19]
    • Rake the area so that it is clear before planting the seedlings.
  6. Trees take years to grow, and they will continue to grow in some way or another throughout their lifespans. Watch your tree carefully while it is a sapling. Keep it watered, and protect it from animals if necessary.[20]
    • You can put a mesh fence around the tree to protect it.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Assuming ideal seasonal conditions, how long will it take from moistening the seed until germination?
    Lauren Kurtz
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    This depends on the tree type. Some will germinate in a few weeks. Some will take months. Some will not germinate for several seasons.
  • Question
    How much watering do I need when germinating tree seeds?
    Lauren Kurtz
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Before germinating, keep the soil moist but not over saturated. Check the soil moisture daily. Water regularly.
  • Question
    Is it possible to grow a tree from a cutting?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Absloutely. You can grow trees from branch cuttings by cutting off a relatively young branch between 6"-12" long. Different trees require different techniques for the most successful outcome.
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  • To protect a sapling from pests, put a bamboo cane into the ground next to the tree. Take an empty liter bottle of soda, and cut the neck and base off of it. Place the bottle onto the bamboo and over the sapling.[21]
  • If you are germinating a seed that is a berry or from a fruit, you should (if possible) remove the fruit or dry it out as it will later cause your tree to rot.
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Things You'll Need

  • Tree seed
  • Plant pot
  • Small stones
  • Compost
  • Wire mesh
  • Paper Towel
  • Container big enough for your seeds
  • Refrigerator

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Ben Barkan
Reviewed by:
Garden & Landscape Designer
This article was reviewed by Ben Barkan. Ben Barkan is a Garden and Landscape Designer and the Owner and Founder of HomeHarvest LLC, an edible landscapes and construction business based in Boston, Massachusetts. Ben has over 12 years of experience working with organic gardening and specializes in designing and building beautiful landscapes with custom construction and creative plant integration. He is a Certified Permaculture Designer, Licensed Construction Supervisor in Massachusetts, and a Licensed Home Improvement Contractor. He holds an associates degree in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This article has been viewed 256,490 times.
5 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: March 10, 2025
Views: 256,490
Article SummaryX

To germinate tree seeds naturally, find a medium-sized pot with drainage holes. Cover the bottom with a thin layer of gravel. Then, fill it most of the way with a natural compost. Dig a ½ inch hole in the middle and plant 2 or 3 seeds inside. Keep the pot inside or in a shady corner out of direct sunlight. If you’re keeping it outside, cover the pot with mesh wire so birds don’t eat the seeds. Check the soil daily and water it if it’s dry. Tree seeds usually take about 2 seasons to germinate. For more tips from our Gardening co-author, including how to speed up the germination process, read on!

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