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‘Breaking The Silence’ Spokesman Confesses To Kennedy Assassination

“They will tell you I couldn’t have done it because I wasn’t born for many years when the president was killed, but basic arithmetic is part of the conspiracy of silence.”

JFK limousineTel Aviv, November 23 – Developments in the ongoing drama of an IDF watchdog NGO continued to surprise observers today after the organization’s spokesman, already facing embarrassment over his false claims that he abused a Palestinian detainee, told investigators that he, not Lee Harvey Oswald, fired the shot that killed President John F. Kennedy on yesterday’s date in 1963.

Dean Issacharoff, the public face of Breaking the Silence, retracted his initial confession Tuesday that he had kicked and beaten a Palestinian civilian while serving as a combat soldier, reframing his original recollection of the event as an exaggeration. In an effort to salvage some credibility for himself and the organization that purports to document IDF abuses of Palestinian civilians, Issacharoff told prosecutors that while he may have embellished his actions against Palestinians, he was definitely the guy who pulled the trigger from the grassy knoll in Dallas fifty-four years ago.

Prosecutors elected to close the case against Issacharoff last week upon discovering that the Palestinian he had claimed to beat, including several alleged jabs of a knee to the detainee’s face, testified that he had undergone no such treatment. While Issacharoff and other figures from Breaking the Silence and the Israeli left at first insisted the prosecution had found the wrong Palestinian, video of the alleged incident gave no indication that abuse as described took place, and in the end Issacharoff conceded his confession in that regard contained more fiction than fact. He maintained, however, that Breaking the Silence’s credibility as reporters of IDF misconduct should not suffer, since he was the man who assassinated JFK.

“The media must not fall prey to the lies of the military establishment,” declared Issacharoff. “There is no way Oswald could have killed Kennedy as the Warren Commission report describes. I did it, and it’s because I’m part of an organization that acts immorally and lies about its record or covers up its abuses.”

“Knee-jerk defenders of the IDF will try to disparage this confession as well, but they only betray their corrupt loyalties,” he continued. “They will tell you I couldn’t have done it because I wasn’t born for many years when the president was killed, but basic arithmetic is part of the conspiracy of silence. We are breaking that silence. This institutionalized evil must stop, and I will continue to fight it, no matter how much money from anti-Israel European NGOs I need to receive in the process. I stand by those values.”

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