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4 Pieces of Advice that You Must Listen to Before Learning Poker Games

  • Published Date January 31, 2018
  • By Admin

If you’re wanting to learn poker, or simply make yourself a better poker player, you’ve most certainly come to the right place. Playing free online poker is a great place to begin as you can get a feel for the game, without having to worry about losing any money. However, there are also a number of other things you can do to enhance your game. Remember, a true poker great is not afraid to ask for, and listen to, advice from some a wide variety of different outlets. Therefore, here are 4 pieces of advice that you must listen to before learning poker games.

Don’t stay in a hand because you are already in – When you play poker, even if you are simply playing free online poker, there will be times when you are dealt a hand that looks strong. This brings excitement, but sometimes that excitement will be short-lived as the next 3 cards are turned over. You may get lucky and still have a decent hand, but once that 4th card gets turned and your hand suddenly sucks, this is where it’s important to fold. A lot of players are stubborn and think that, because they have already bet and are in a round, that they have to see it through until the end. You don’t. If you wish to learn poker, one of the first things you must do is know when to fold.

Don’t play in the wrong frame of mind – Remember, the great thing about free online poker is the fact that the game in general is so enjoyable, with the added bonus of you not having to worry or stress over money. However, when playing poker, even for free, you should only play when you’re in the right frame of mind. If you are angry, sad, or just generally not really feeling it today, the best advice we can give you is to wait it out, head to bed, and play the next day when you wake up in a much better mood.

Study and play – To learn poker you must not only study poker, but you should also play it. A lot of poker pros out there talk about the importance of playing poker as well as studying, and they are absolutely right. The great thing about free online poker games is that you can use these games as practice, without any real stresses. Sure, you get to have fun in the process, but each game is also a learning experience. As the saying goes ‘Practice makes perfect’ so be sure to play poker twice as much as you study it.

Have fun – Finally, the last piece of advice that we’ll be listing today is to have fun and enjoy yourself. At the end of the day, poker is primarily a game, and as you know, we play games so that we can have fun. If you are playing poker and you aren’t enjoying yourself, well, then stop. A game should be enjoyable, and it should not bring you down or stress you out. When playing poker, if the fun stops, you should stop.  
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