Hooded gang storms celebrity party near Grenfell Tower chanting 'Tory scum' and forces guests to observe minute's silence for the victims

  • Gang of 'extremists' storms party at Maxilla club near Grenfell Tower in London
  • They cut off the music and allegedly made 'anti-Semitic' remarks to guests 
  • Celebrities were forced to observe minute's silence
  • It came after a peaceful silent march to mark six months since deadly tragedy 

Ben Goldsmith and his wife Jemima Jones, pictured, were among guests at a party at a club near the Grenfell Tower site that was 'shut down by extremists'

Ben Goldsmith and his wife Jemima Jones, pictured, were among guests at a party at a club near the Grenfell Tower site that was 'shut down by extremists'

Extremists stormed a Christmas-themed celebrity party in the shadow of grenfell tower chanting 'Tory scum' and allegedly making anti-Semitic remarks.

The 'threatening' hooded group turned off the music, blamed the 'Tories' present for the fire, and ordered more than 100 guests to observe a one-minute silence, witnesses said.

The police were called and the party was shut down two hours early. A witness described it as 'a glimpse of Corbyn's Britain'.

The incident happened after a peaceful silent march on Thursday night to mark six months since the Grenfell fire that killed 71.

It passed the Maxilla Social Club, frequented by the local community but available for private hire, in Notting Hill, West London, where the 'low-key' party was happening.

Financier and environmentalist Ben Goldsmith, brother to Jemima Khan and to Tory MP Zac Goldsmith, said a 25-strong mob of aggressive Grenfell hangers-on became aware wealthy celebrities were inside, and decided to look for trouble. He claimed they were anti-Semitic.

Mr Goldsmith, 37, said in a tweet: 'Just had a glimpse of Corbyn's Britain. A birthday party for my sister-in-law in Notting Hill invaded and shut down by a vicious bottle-throwing hard Leftist crowd (from the Grenfell march), because they could. The nasty, violent, self-righteous hard Left has hijacked the Grenfell tragedy and its victims for political ends.'

The club, in the arches of the Westway flyover carrying the A40, has become well known for staging events for Grenfell victims and was a centre for food and clothing donations in the aftermath of the fire.

A club spokesman confirmed 'idiot' outsiders had latched on to the peaceful remembrance of the fire by locals, and had caused an unpleasant incident at the party, which had been attended by American socialite Paris Hilton, although she had left before trouble began.

Paris Hilton, pictured, was also at the party but left before the trouble began

Paris Hilton, pictured, was also at the party but left before the trouble began

Police confirmed they were called but said no crimes were alleged and no arrests were made.

Mr Goldsmith told the Daily Mail: 'It was quite a low-key event, in a working men's club with people drinking beer, not champagne.

'At about 11.30pm a group of around 25 hard-Left anarchist-type Grenfell protesters with 'the Tories have blood on their hands' and '**** the Tories' placards spotted a handful of people smoking outside the party and started hurling first abuse and then eggs and bottles.

'Anyone outside disappeared inside pretty quickly, and the owner/manager of the club tried unsuccessfully to prevent the protesters from barging in after them.

'They got up on to the little stage, threw out the guy doing the music, and started shouting and yelling that the Grenfell fire was the fault of the people in the room and that we were 'Tory Rothschild scum'.'

The party took place at the Maxilla Social Club, pictured, and was stormed by an 'aggressive gang of 25 hooded people'

The party took place at the Maxilla Social Club, pictured, and was stormed by an 'aggressive gang of 25 hooded people'

Mr Goldsmith's grandfather was Jewish, and he famously split from ex-wife and heiress Kate Emma Rothschild in 2012 after her affair with rapper Jay Electronica. He accused the protesters of anti-Semitism, saying: 'When they referred to Rothschild, I guess it was a euphemism for Jewish.'

One guest said he had heard one of the intruders say: 'This is disrespectful, a party here, I hear there are Jews and wealthy people inside.'

The spokesman for the club stressed that the intruders were not from the area, saying: 'They were people looking for trouble. I'm born and bred round here, and I know they weren't locals.'

Christmas decorations bought for the party have been left behind to be used at a Grenfell Christmas dinner at the club next week.

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