1. new blogpost series: 7 aspects that improve the UX of your app

    Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch weil es um einen Vortrag geht, den ich dieses Jahr ein paar Mal gehalten habe, jeweils auf Englisch, und ich die Inhalte für die Leute bei den Events zugänglich machen möchte. Häufig lädt man als Sprecherin ja nach dem Vortrag die Präsentationsfolien irgendwo hoch. Da auf diesen jedoch kaum Text steht, möchte ich das ganze jetzt in mehrere Blogposts verpacken.


    This year i started giving talks at conference and other events. When the Codemotion team asked, if we (Ladies That UX) would like to be part of their program on the community stage, i agreed to give a talk there. Here’s my abstract on the Codemotion website. If you’re good at using Google, you might find the audio recording of that talk, but i don’t want to share it because it feels so strange to hear my voice and honestly, i don’t feel confident to share it with the world. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The topic of my talk is something i have focused on during the past +2 years in my current job as a product/project manager at Evenly: the user experience of mobile apps. I collected a bunch of sub-topics and gave it the umbrella-like title „7 aspects that improve the UX of your app“.

    These are the 7 topics:
    (they are linked to the blogposts)

    1. animation

    2. push notifications

    3. navigation

    4. personalization

    5. object-oriented UX

    6. accessibility

    7. OS features

    After Codemotion i also gave that talk at the Product Camp and at Devfest, refining and changing it a little bit each time, and then finally i presented the talk at our Ladies that UX anniversary meetup in November at Researchgate.

    Every event was different but it was always a fun challenge to be a speaker. I prepared it quite last-minute during three days before the first presentation because i needed the pressure of the deadline, but that worked well for me as everything was quite fresh and still in my short-term memory ;) I would like to thank everyone who listened, took sketchnotes, tweeted about it, asked questions and gave feedback. It was extremely rewarding and motivating when people told my they learned something from that talk, because that was my main goal. It should be suitable for anyone who is interested in User Experience and Apps. If you have no experience in this area yet, it should give you a helpful overview and if you are very experienced, it should contain at least some useful reminders. Please note, that it’s not a full guide on how to create an UX concept for apps but more like a selection of my current favorite topics in this area.

    In the future, i would like to improve the design of my slides and for the next public speaking gig i will probably focus on one topic instead of compressing several topics into one presentation. Let’s see what 2018 brings…

    Instead of just uploading the slides, i would like to transform the content into 7 blogposts, to be able to share it with more people and maybe get some more input. So in the following 7 days i will publish one blogpost each morning. At least that’s what i’m planning to do.