Exakat PHP advent calendar 2017

PHP Advent calendar

With PHP 7.2 out of the oven, literally yesterday, and the final month of the year starting, it is time for a PHP advent calendar. Every day until the 25th of December, we’ll reveal a new smelly treat.

Yes, smelly treat, like a code smell. Common anti-patterns in PHP code leads to bugs, chaos, and lots of confusion. Sometimes, it’s just a bad habit, and sometimes, it’s just a classic PHP pitfall. It also takes a while to figure it out, unless you had previous experience with it. If I had a nickel for every time I found it in anyone’s code, including my own, I’d be really rich.

Once you master those patterns, you get the treat : you can fix issues before anyone can find them. The scenario is always the same : detect a piece of code with those patterns; eradicate the nascent bug before anyone else spot it; feel the endomorphins flowing through your body. The world is always better with one more crisis averted.

We’ll tweet them everyday, so make sure you follow @exakat, and monitor #phpadvent. We’ll keep them short and sweet, so you don’t have to read a too much, and you can spend time reading all the other technical advent calendar. Enjoy!