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  • Company Type For Profit
  • Contact Email
  • Phone Number (844)879-8779

Upswing provides colleges and universities with an integrated student services platform to increase student retention. Colleges are able to integrate their various student support operations in a virtual environment to allow students to easily find and meet with staff in support functions like advising, counseling, student success coaching, and

tutoring. Additionally, Upswing's virtual assistant connects students via SMS to college reminders and information. By streamlining student services, college administrators are able to manage support staff in a single location, oversee communication with students, and access streamlined reporting and insights.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Upswing's headquarters? Upswing is located in Austin, Texas, United States.Who invested in Upswing? Upswing has 31 investors including Impact America Fund and JP Morgan Chase.How much funding has Upswing raised to date? Upswing has raised .When was the last funding round for Upswing? Upswing closed its last funding round on Mar 30, 2021 from a Series A round.Who are Upswing's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Upswing may include CollegeVineElement451, and READY Education.