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One Wish in Manhattan: An uplifting, romantic Christmas story Taschenbuch – 30. September 2015

4,4 4,4 von 5 Sternen 3.618 Sternebewertungen

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Kaufoptionen und Plus-Produkte

Christmas: it’s the most wonderful time of the year…to fall in love

The temperature is dropping, snow is on its way and Hayley Walker is heading for New York with one wish… to start over.

With her daughter Angel, Hayley is ready for adventure. But there’s more to New York than twinkly lights and breathtaking skyscrapers. Angel has her own Christmas wish – to find her real dad.

While Hayley tries to fulfil her daughter’s wish, she crosses paths with billionaire Oliver Drummond. Restless and bored with fast living, there’s something intriguing about him that has Hayley hooked.

Can Hayley dare to think her own dreams might come true – could A New York Christmas turn into a New York Forever?

Travel to the Big Apple this Christmas and join Hayley and Oliver as they realise life isn’t just about filling the minutes… it’s about making every moment count.

A big warm-hearted story, full of Christmas sparkle that will delight fans of Jane Costello, Miranda Dickinson and Lucy Diamond.

What everyone’s saying about One Wish in Manhattan:

If you love Christmas, and are looking for a book that will fit with absolute perfection, this is the book for you. I really loved it.’ Being Anne Reading

I LOVED THIS BOOK… I loved the style of humour. The setting of New York City is just perfection for a book set around Christmas. This is a perfect example of how well this genre can be written - it's warm, sweet, romantic, likeable, cosy - just the perfect book to curl up on the couch in front of an open fire with. Gorgeous.’ Behind Green Eyes

Sweet, cozy and just romantic.Rachel’s Random Reads

‘A fun, lighthearted read. If you're looking for something to curl up with during the Christmas season, this one is a good choice.’ For the Love of the Read

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  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Bookouture (30. September 2015)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Taschenbuch ‏ : ‎ 488 Seiten
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1910751499
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1910751497
  • Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 12.85 x 2.79 x 19.84 cm
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,4 4,4 von 5 Sternen 3.618 Sternebewertungen

Informationen zum Autor

Folge Autoren, um Neuigkeiten zu Veröffentlichungen und verbesserte Empfehlungen zu erhalten.
Mandy Baggot
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Mandy Baggot ist preisgekrönte Autorin romantischer Frauenunterhaltung. Sie hat eine Schwäche für Kartoffelpüree und Weißwein, für Countrymusic, Reisen und Handtaschen – und natürlich für Weihnachten. Die Autorin lebt mit ihrem Ehemann, ihren beiden Töchtern und den Katzen Springsteen und Kravitz in der Nähe von Salisbury.


4,4 von 5 Sternen
3.618 weltweite Bewertungen

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Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland

  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 26. Dezember 2020
    “In just a few days, she and Angel would be leaving it all behind and travelling thousands of miles across the ocean for Christmas in the Big Apple. Minus temperatures in double figures and streets full of Santas, Michael Bublé music and candy canes.” (Quotation page 12)

    Haley Walker lives in Salisbury. Her dream was to become a designer with her own creations, but now, with twenty-eight years, she is a single mother and has just quit her job at a dry-cleaning firm. Her brother Dean, who lives in New York, has invited her and her nine-year-old daughter Angel for Christmas time.
    Oliver Drummond of Drummond Global offices has never been fond of strategizing; he is a creator and makes things done.
    When Haley and Oliver meet, the charismatic billionaire plays his usual “make a wish game”. Not at all impressed by his money, Haley tells him the secret wish of Angel, to meet her father, whom Haley ten years ago had met in New York, but after one night lost contact. Could Angel’s wish in magical, Christmassy New York come true?

    Theme and genre
    This is a romantic, magical Christmas story about family, loss, friendship, love, and the hope and joy of Christmas, when wishes might come true.

    All characters are loveable in their different ways, and special. Who would not like Angel, a funny, sometimes cheeky nine years old, who loves books and never leaves the house without her encyclopedia.

    Plot and writing
    The story takes place at Christmas time in New York and has everything readers are looking for in a Christmas novel. Lively descriptions of festively decorated New York, snow-covered Manhattan, impressing skyscrapers, perfectly complete a plot, which shows the right balance between thoughtful and funny scenes.

    A magical, cozy, heartwarming Christmas read, perfect for cuddling up in your armchair during this special time of the year.
  • Bewertet in Deutschland am 13. Januar 2017
    sehr schön geschriebene geschichte um den (heimlichen) weihnachtswunsch eines kleinen mädchens und die bemühungen ihrer mutter, ihn wahr werden zu lassen. vor allem die lösung der probleme ist kreativ und gut gemacht.
    das einzige, was mich stört, ist hayleys mutter - zu klischeehaft negativ. gibt es eigentlich auch bücher, in denen die protagonisten keine monster als eltern haben?
    Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich

Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern

Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen
  • Nanette Smith
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Ravishingly Romantic
    Bewertet in Australien am 5. September 2024
    Intriguing from the first chapter, this story led us into a delightful insightful romance, and fun family adventure and I enjoyed the entire storyline.
  • Hendrika Bolhuis
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Feel Good
    Bewertet in den Niederlanden am 11. Januar 2017
    Feel good verhaal. Paste perfect in de laatste dagen van het jaar. Heerlijk lezen op de bank met een warme kop thee en een dekentje.
  • Mónica SamWorld
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Lovely story
    Bewertet in Spanien am 16. Januar 2017
    I have enjoyed this book very much. The characters are funny and real, they take you into the story right from the very beginning and you just can't put the book down. New York at Christmas is beautiful and fascinating, the perfect scenery for this family of two who are just trying to start a new life. This big city just makes the book even better. Angel is a charming kid that will get to you and Hayley is crazy, and funny and just want to do what is best for her daughter. And of course you will fall in love with Oliver from the moment he shows his true self. Very recommended.
  • Katie
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Festive Holiday read!
    Bewertet in den USA am15. Dezember 2015
    I've been a fan of Mandy Baggot books for a long time, but this is her first Christmas book, so I was super excited to read it! She did not disappoint. One Wish in Manhattan was a lovely festive story about a mom and her daughter who are determined to have a special holiday in New York, her daughter Angel's special Christmas wish. Facing the new year with no job and being a single mom is stressful on Hayley, but she takes Angel to New York anyway, determined to find Angel's real dad. Upon arriving in New York she meets Oliver Drummond, a billionaire who hides secrets about his family's past, and lives in constant fear of it. (I found this part to be a bit repetitive, but not enough to ruin the story for me). Because of this family issue he pushes everyone away from him and doesn't want to have any close relationships. He figures what's the point if the family curse falls to him, (which he later decides to get tested for). Hayley, however, is different and Oliver finds himself falling for her. I don't want to spoil the end, but it's heartwarming and leaves you filled with the Christmas spirit. Oliver and Hayley are shining examples of why sometimes we all need a little bit of Christmas magic from the big man above.
  • Souffle Girl
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Perfect festive reading
    Bewertet in Großbritannien am 4. Dezember 2015
    You know that feeling you get when you close the book, or switch off the Kindle, and you lean back with a satisfied sigh, and a hint of a tear in your eye, and a smile on your face, because everything just suddenly feels completely right with the world? Yeah, that feeling. That's what I just experienced after finishing this fantastic book, One Wish in Manhattan.

    I honestly can't think of anything I didn't love about this book. My friend, Helen, has just come back from New York, and although I was pleased for her that she went because I knew how much it meant to her, I can't say it filled me with envy. I've never really been that interested in New York and never had any hankering to visit the place for myself. Well, now I can see why she wanted to go, and why she loves it so much. Mandy Baggot's descriptions of the city are amazing. The sights and sounds and smells of New York are right there in the pages, and I was transported there in my mind - crunching through snow, feeling the icy wind against my skin, laughing at the ice skaters, catching the scent of Italian food, tasting pizza and ice cream, gazing out from a penthouse balcony at the lights and the traffic and the people, travelling in an elevator with a...No, won't even go there!

    The heroine of the story, Hayley, is lovely. She would be my best friend. She can eat her body weight in pizza and she once ate a full bag of custard doughnuts, so she's all right by me. I sympathised with her over her fraught relationship with her mother, the loss of her father, and the fact that she'd shelved her own dreams yet was desperate to make her daughter's dream come true. I enjoyed her relationship with her brother, who was everything a caring big brother should be and more. Most of all, I adored her relationship with her daughter, Angel, who was a fantastic character. I loved reading the banter between them and felt the mother/daughter bond was beautifully depicted.

    As for the hero. *Sigh*. Oliver Drummond, billionaire businessman with a bad reputation and a terrible secret. Who could love such a man? Well, Hayley, quite obviously. And me, as it goes. Oliver is one heck of a hunky hero, and there was something so vulnerable about him I just wanted to get into that elevator with him and - reassure him that all would be well. *Cough*.

    Seriously, this is a fabulous book. All the main characters are likeable, some are definitely lovable, the plot is absorbing and well-developed, the setting is fantastic, and there's lots of snow. And lots of food. And lots of...romance. An absolutely brilliant novel, perfect festive reading. Loved it!