The new dad

Fathers swap footballs for tiaras as stock photos evolve

by Brittany Levine Beckman(opens in a new tab)

The new dad

Fathers swap footballs for tiaras as stock photos evolve

by Brittany Levine Beckman(opens in a new tab)

A father leans in, watching his daughter as she paints his nails. He’s sporting a feather boa, she’s wearing a tiara. Another man smiles as he listens to his kid sitting on the kitchen counter next to a rolling pin, measuring cups, and a laptop. She’s stirring ingredients as he steadies the bowl.

These are the scenes depicted in two of Getty Images’ most-downloaded photos of fathers from 2016 and 2017, respectively. The tender moments are a world away from a popular shot from a decade ago: a father roughhousing with his son, diving for the ol’ pigskin in the yard.

The shift is an important one. Stock photos represent the broadest brush strokes of how we see ourselves. They’re the images used in commercials, on billboards, on websites, on social media, even in textbooks. As dads, statistically(opens in a new tab), become more involved in child-rearing and home care, Getty, a leader in the stock photo world, is striving to show that.

“People respond to imagery that makes them feel that they can put themselves in that image. They want to be able to see themselves,” said Claudia Marks, senior art director at Getty. “More images of good dads participating in parenting will hopefully encourage someone to be O.K. with being that kind of dad.”


Zak Kendal/Getty Images


Daly and Newton/Getty Images

Ten years ago, Getty’s top-selling stock photos of fathers showed men with their young sons, engaging in stereotypically masculine activities, like football. In 2010, the lens zoomed in on daughters, but sports and play with young children, stereotypically masculine activities, still loomed large; older fathers with adult children later came into view. By 2013, we saw fathers taking care of babies and in 2015, there was another shift: fathers engaging with their daughters in the home, reading and doing household chores.

Fathers may be doing more at home, but that doesn’t mean women have achieved equality, and dads as primary caregivers is still the exception.

The evolution of fatherhood in stock photos didn’t occur in a vacuum. In 2013, the same year dads nurturing babies took the spotlight, Getty noticed photos of women adjusting, too. Women began to transcend the dominant “sexy look” of years past. And this year, the “gritty woman,”(opens in a new tab) a Getty photo trend that features women getting sweaty, unconcerned with how they look, came to the foreground. By 2015, a new advertising trend nicknamed “dadvertising” was in full force, with several Super Bowl (opens in a new tab)commercials focused on fathers and their kids. The clueless, aloof father figure of the past was transforming into an emotionally available guide and supportive partner. 


Altrendo Images/Getty

Although women and fathers have evolved side-by-side in stock photos, societal norms around gender haven’t changed in lockstep. Fathers may be doing more at home, but that doesn’t mean women have achieved equality, and dads as primary caregivers is still the exception, said Matthew Weinshenker, a Fordham University associate professor of sociology who studies family, work, and gender.

Fathers spent seven hours a week on childcare in 2015 — nearly three times as much time as in 1965 — but mothers still spent 15 hours per week on childcare, according to the Pew Research Center’s latest data (opens in a new tab)on the subject. Meanwhile, fathers spent 43 hours per week on paid work in 2015, about the same as 1965, while mothers more than tripled their paid work hours to 25.


Hours dads spent on childcare in 2015

Pew Research Center


Hours dads spent on childcare in 1965

Pew Research Center


Hours moms spent on childcare in 2015

Pew Research Center


Hours moms spent on childcare in 1965

Pew Research Center

The seeds of fathers as partners at home may have been planted during the modern women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s as women fought workplace discrimination and domestic violence while demanding equal rights and reproductive rights, but it took decades for the concept to bloom.

“If women are going to be working more, that creates a gap at home. Who should fill it? Of course men should. That created a demand,” Weinshenker said. “There’s less of a childcare gap then there used to be, but there’s still a gap.”


Eric McNatt/Getty Images


Catherine Ledner/Getty Images


Sean Justic/Getty Images

Boasting about your latest diaper victory isn’t yet a normal part of guy talk. Even taking paternity leave can still be perceived as weak.

The modern western ideal of fatherhood is a complex one. As much as there’s a desire to be more involved in child rearing — 57 percent of fathers see parenting as central to their identity, compared to 58 percent of mothers, according to Pew — fathers are still expected to provide for their families, even in two-career couples. 

Being the provider feels so integral that job loss causes depression(opens in a new tab) among men as well as divorce(opens in a new tab) among heterosexual couples. Then there are the LGBTQ parents (as of 2010, there were an estimated 3 million(opens in a new tab) in the U.S.) who are largely unrepresented by the archetype. Plus, men who are participating more at home may not feel comfortable talking publicly about their parenting achievements. Boasting about your latest diaper victory isn’t yet a normal part of guy talk. Even taking paternity leave can still be perceived as weak(opens in a new tab).

Take, for example, a conversation relayed to us by Jeff Bogle, who has two daughters, 13 and 10, and writes about parenting on his blog Out with the Kids(opens in a new tab) and social networking site Life of Dad(opens in a new tab).  A few years ago at a party, Bogle overheard a man, who had a daughter, telling another guy(opens in a new tab) that he was upset his wife was pregnant with another girl. The response: “Oh, man, you’re having a girl? Dude, you’re in trouble!”

The comment made Bogle's blood boil. If stock photos, or 30-second Super Bowl ads, can change old perceptions of fatherhood, he supports it, even if the point is to sell you stuff. 

“All of the years of bad messaging led to those guys still being like that,” said Bogle, who quit his corporate job nine years ago to be a stay-at-home dad, turning his blog into a full-time gig. “If 20 years of the right kind of messaging can lead to the next generation saying ‘Oh man, that’s awesome, think of all the fun you’re going to have,’ I’m all for it. Anything to advance that potential future.” 

Up 91%

Searches for "dad and baby"

Getty Images

Up 83%

Searches for "dad cooking"

Getty Images

That’s partially why Getty included fathers in its Lean In collection(opens in a new tab), a partnership with, which champions female empowerment, in 2015. The collection includes women in conference rooms as well as dads in laundry rooms. Of the 25 top-selling photos(opens in a new tab) from the collection in November, two featured fathers and their children. 

Beyond the Lean In collection, customer requests across Getty’s entire library reveal a desire for photos of fathers as caregivers. Over the past year, searches for “father and daughter” went up by 20 percent, “dad and baby” surged by 91 percent, “stay-at-home dad” saw a 32 percent bump, and “dad cooking” jumped by 83 percent.


Thomas Barwick/Getty Images


Roberto Westbrook/Getty Images

Despite the search statistics, it’s difficult to tell the degree to which these changing stock photos are truly having an impact. “As much as we create this content, we do need advertisers, brands to reflect the world accurately,” Marks said.

It’s up to Getty customers to use the reimagined shots, but it’s also on consumers to take notice. Stock photos have become so ubiquitous, they’re often ignored or championed only once they become a meme, which is the fate of the cheesiest of the bunch, not the most impactful. Getty has seen a trend toward more natural-looking stock photos, but their poor reputation persists.


William King Stone/Getty Images

What’s more, Getty’s photos that flip the script on gender have their own limitations. A 2016 University of Leeds study (opens in a new tab)by researchers Giorgia Aiello and Anna Woodhouse analyzed a 2015 Getty collection focused on breaking gender stereotypes. The photos challenged norms — featuring female firefighters and a boy in a fairy costume — but also sustained them.

“Across portrayals of men fathering small children, we notice a tendency to emphasize both the fathers’ masculine attributes and the tenderness of their gestures,” the study states. “There is a predominance of muscular, bearded men wearing casual or rugged clothing, like checked shirts, who are shown as they cradle, change or comfort infants, and play, cook or wash dishes with older children.”

There’s another wrinkle straining the idealized version of fatherhood in new stock photos: the increasing number of fathers who don’t live with their children. More than one-in-four fathers in the U.S. are absent from their children’s lives, according to a 2011 Pew analysis of the National Survey of Family Growth(opens in a new tab). That’s up from roughly one-in-ten in 1960.

“It’s also worth emphasizing that photos of fathers probably means that the father lives with the child and not all do,” Weinshenker said. “It’s important to recognize that men can be fathers too, even when they don’t live with their children, if they make the effort.”


Hero Images/Getty Images


Hero Images/Getty Images

Getty's made big strides, but there’s still more work to do to accurately reflect fathers, and families, of today. Families are multiracial, and it’s not just mom-and-dad any more. Getty searches for “gay dads” and “single dad” are up 53 percent and 60 percent respectively over the past year. But when one searches “gay dads” in Getty’s public-facing collection, roughly 1,700 results pop up. Comparatively, there are about 325,000 results for “mom and dad.”

“The next evolution of this, what we’re seeing, is [the idea of] fathers becoming more intersectional and more inclusive. We’re seeing different types of modern families: two dads, two moms, interracial,” Marks, the senior art director, said. (Only a handful of the past decade's most-downloaded images of dads that Getty provided included people of color.)

“That’s what exists in the world and we want to represent that.”

But images with two dads, two moms, or trans dads still aren’t top sellers at Getty.

Brent Almond, who blogs about parenting at Designer Daddy(opens in a new tab) and lives in Maryland with his husband and eight-year-old son, said he rarely sees himself in stock photos or even advertising geared toward parents. When he got several catalogs from photo sites like Shutterfly and Snapfish around the holidays in 2013, he saw photo after photo of heterosexual couples. It annoyed him so much he reviewed photos(opens in a new tab) featured in four catalogs and found zero same-sex parents. He did the same experiment in 2015(opens in a new tab), and not much changed.

“To not include same-sex couples is basically saying you don’t belong,” he said. “You don’t belong in the happiest moment of our culture.”

Dads like Almond and Bogle have their own wish lists for stock photos of fathers. Bogle wants to see dads taking their daughters to sports games, not just their sons, and Almond would like to see fathers getting their nails painted by their sons, not just their daughters.

“That’s breaking down all the gender norms,” Almond said. 

One of Getty's stock photos featuring a two-dad family.

Hero Images/Getty Images

  • Writer

    Brittany Levine Beckman

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    Kate Sommers-Dawes

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