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21 People Who Got Roasted So Badly They're Basically Rotisserie Chickens Now

Send these people directly to the burn unit.

1. The person who got owned by science:

2. The person who failed the test:

3. The person who got an explanation, just not the one they wanted:

4. The person who received a multi-level burn:

5. The person who got a wrong number call:

6. The guy who tried to shoot his shot:

7. The person who needed to find a new date for Halloween:

8. This man who was destroyed with math:

9. The person who found a new relationship:

10. The person who should have known James Blunt gives zero fucks:

11. The person whose mother gave them life, then totally wrecked them:

12. The grandchild who was roasted by their own grandma:

13. And yet another grandkid totally burned by their grandmother:

14. The person whose burn was short and sweet:

15. The person who received this brutal pun:

16. The person who got one-upped by a baby.

17. The person who could only have been burned like this on October 10th:

18. The person who probably thought banking puns were a safe bet:

19. The person who kinda asked for it:

20. The person who couldn't compete with a vibrator:

21. And finally, the person who go so thoroughly destroyed by Arnold Schwarzenegger that they may never recover: