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Here’s What Beauty Products People Are Buying On Amazon Right Now

Movers and Shakers is a list of products on Amazon that are currently rising up in the ranking. This week in beauty products: coconut lime scrubs and ~Wunderbrow~.

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Amazon has a list of products called “Movers and Shakers,” which is pretty much just fancy talk for things that are currently ~trending~.

Here are some of the best products found on the Beauty Movers & Shakers list this week:

1. A three-pack of tropical sugar scrubs that'll transport you straight to the beach, coconut drink in hand.

2. A super lightweight sunscreen with SPF 60 that won't leave you defenseless in the scorching sun.

3. A long-lasting brow gel for the natural-looking, full brows of your dreams.

Promising review: "I've tried so many things: brow powder is great at first, but I live in hot/humid FL and it doesn't stay. Pencils define but don't shape. Mascara is too messy/intense. Wunderbrow is perfect! Fills AND shapes. And it stays put!" —KB83

Price: $20.90

4. A hair tool that'll give you beautifully defined waves that any mermaid would be jealous of.

Promising review: "This is an awesome styling tool! Best $20 I've ever spent. I have long frizzy hair that, when air dried, just looks blah. This waver totally tames my hair and gives me long beachy waves." —DarcyDoo

Price: $18.99

5. A bronzing mousse that'll apply like a dream with its matching mitt and give you that natural, sun-kissed glow.

Promising review: "I've used this for 2 years now and have had great success as long as I use a mitt to apply it. It does have an odor so I apply it at night before bed and make sure it is dry before I get in bed. In the morning I shower and shave. No odor left, but I still have color. It will build up over time if you apply daily. I generally apply until I'm satisfied with the color and then apply every other day or every 2 days to maintain." —Junebuggy

Price: $30 (bronzing mousse), $6.50 (applicator mitt)

6. A colorful set of bath bombs infused with essential oils for ultra-luxe, relaxing baths.

7. A healing clay mask that'll have your skin feeling as royal and blemish-free as Cleopatra's.

Promising review: "Wow, amazing results. I could actually feel it pulling out the individual blackheads- it kinda tickled and itched. If your face isn't pulsating, make some adjustments." —Rachel Watts

Price: $10.36

8. A pumice stone that'll exfoliate and slough away dead skin until your feet are as smooth as a baby's butt.

9. Tea tree oil that'll basically solve all of your life's problems with just a few drops.

10. A gigantic pack of unbleached Muji cotton puffs that won't rub sensitive skin the wrong way.

Promising review: "I have many skin issues so I wanted real cotton. There is no way to compare this brand to anything I've ever used or bought in the US. This is natural, stays together without leaving fibers on your skin, and it feels heavenly." —Sammie Walker Reviews

(P.S. It's common to see those tiny black specks with organic, unbleached cotton. Bleached cotton usually hides them.)

Price: $8.28

11. A makeup sponge that's a cheaper alternative to the OG Beautyblender.

Promising review: "This is an exact dupe for the beauty blender and I don't say that lightly because I own at least 20 beauty blenders. In fact, I purchased a beauty blender along with this item because I expected to be disappointed. Trying them out side-by-side, I found them to be exactly the same." —Karen

Price: $9

12. Alcohol-free Thayers witch hazel that'll work wonders for sensitive skin and won't totally dry out your skin.

13. A Japanese charcoal peel-off mask that'll very visibly draw all of your blackheads out.

Promising review: "I use it primarily for my nose to remove gunk from my clogged pores. I recommend using it after a hot shower, which is when the pores are more open and relaxed for optimal results. The black color of the mask really helps with seeing all the gunk that it pulls out, which is always satisfying to see." —M.J

(P.S. Careful when using this on large areas of your face! According to other reviewers, it's powerful and might tear off baby hairs.)

Price: $5.95

14. Sulfate-free argan oil shampoo that all hair types can benefit from.

15. An eye treatment that'll reduce puffiness and dark circles and basically make you look less like a zombie with each application.

16. A sandalwood hairbrush that takes care of your frizz situation while also gently stimulating the scalp.

17. A gentle, fragrance-free creme formulated with oatmeal that'll help mitigate your baby's (or your own) eczema.

Don't have Amazon Prime but want these cool beauty products shipped to you for free in two days? Sign up here for a free trial!

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