You can easily succeed in passing the NCLEX exam if you study hard, think ahead, and follow the right procedures. Make sure to put time and effort into reviewing material and taking practice tests. Help yourself relax and stay focused on the day of your exam. Ace the exam by thinking like a nurse and visualizing the questions as real-life situations.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Studying for the Exam

  1. There is a lot of dense material to cover when studying for the NCLEX, making last minute cramming for the exam a bad idea. Start studying at least 3 or 4 weeks early and break the work into manageable chunks so that you have enough time to cover all of the material without stressing yourself out. Starting early and taking the slow and steady studying approach will make it easier to balance exam preparations with nursing school.[1]
  2. Visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website to look at test plans for the NCLEX exam. The plans serve as blueprints, outlining what content is featured and showing examples of how it is organized. Access test plans at
    • Select the test plan designated for candidates.
  3. Content on the NCLEX exam is distributed differently between topics, as you can see on the NCSBN test plans. The subject of management of care makes up the most exam questions, constituting 17-23% of the them. Focus more time on studying for this section, which covers issues like patient advocacy, time management, and ethical dilemmas.[2]
    • For comparison, other topics like health promotion and maintenance only cover 6-12% of the questions on the exam.
    • At least 1/5 of your study time should be devoted to this category.
  4. While studying online can be efficient, having a study book allows you the freedom to study anywhere, anytime. To get as much studying done as possible, bring the book with you if you have downtime during breaks or a long public transit commute. Purchase the newest available version of an NCLEX review book online or in a campus book store.[3]
  5. The more you do practice exams, the more you will be at ease with the actual exam process when you take it. Knowing how the questions are formatted will allow you to feel comfortable during the actual exam and focus on the subject matter more carefully. Look online for sample NCLEX exams, which may be free or offered by learning companies for a fee.[4]
    • For instance, Kaplan, a company providing educational assistance, offers NCLEX exam prep and practice exams for a fee.
    • Aim to take at least 2-3 practice exams.
    • Time yourself while you take practice exams. You must answer at least 75 questions within the 6 hour exam to pass the NCLEX, so make sure you can answer 13 or more questions per hour.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Ready for the Exam

  1. If you are an eligible NCLEX candidate, you can register online for the exam using your nursing program code. Complete an online registration through Pearson Vue and indicate if you want to receive correspondences by email or regular U.S. mail. Pay the $200 NCLEX registration fee by credit, debit, or prepaid card.[5]
  2. To have a wider selection of exam dates available to you, schedule your NCLEX exam as soon as you receive your official ATT notice by mail or email. Sign into your Pearson Vue account and request the date, time, and testing location you'd prefer. You can also schedule your exam by phone by calling 1-866-49NCLEX.[6]
    • You will be offered an exam appointment within 30 days of the day you register.
    • NCLEX exams are held all year round.
  3. Relaxing before your exam will help to minimize stress and improve your performance. Make sure to avoid scheduling your exam on a day you will be stressed out about other things. Try to do something leisurely and enjoyable the day before so that you are not tired on the day of your exam.[7]
    • For instance, avoid scheduling your exam the day before you have a stressful family event or appointment, which will disrupt your focus.
    • Have a spa day or go to a movie with friends the day before your exam to feel calm and relaxed.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Taking the Exam

  1. Having a high energy level is necessary to ensure that you can concentrate and process information efficiently. Go to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep the night before the exam. [8] Before the exam, drink water to stay hydrated and eat a meal rich in protein, which will last longer in your body and keep you energized. [9]
    • A protein-rich meal, for instance, could be a spinach omelette or lean chicken breast with vegetables.
    • Be sure to use the restroom right before entering your exam room.
  2. If you arrive to your NCLEX exam 30 or more minutes late, you will be forced to forfeit, re-register to take the exam at another time, and pay a second exam fee. To make sure that you are on time, aim to arrive to your exam location 30 minutes early. Bring a valid, signed, government-issued piece of photo ID to sign in before your exam.[10]
    • You can present a driver's license, passport, state ID card, military ID, or permanent residence card.
  3. Because of the way the NCLEX CAT system is formatted, you must answer a question before moving onto the next one. Be careful about your answers because you can't go back to change them afterward. Read each question thoroughly and carefully consider the possible answers before submitting your choice.[11]
    • You will have up to 6 hours to answer at least 75 questions.
  4. Exam-taking, like nursing, requires a cool mind in stressful situations. Concentrate on keeping yourself calm and focusing on your goal to avoid letting your nerves overwhelm you. If necessary, practice breathing exercises to relax and regain your composure.
  5. Visualize each question as a real work situation to get a better understanding of what the answer should be. Use the nursing skills you have learned to date in your nursing program to figure out the best possible solution to each question. The NCLEX aims to test your aptitude in practical situations, so this approach is likely to work.[12]
  6. You are not allowed to bring any outside materials into your NCLEX exam. Instead, you will be issued a small erasable memo board and marker to write notes. Make use of these to map out your thoughts and list possible clues to work out problems.[13]
  7. During the exam, you will be provided with 2 10-minute breaks - the first after 2 hours, and the second after 3.5 hours. Take advantage of both breaks to stand up, clear your head, use the washroom, eat a small snack, and drink water. Recharging your mind and body will improve your concentration and performance on the exam.[14]

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Co-authors: 8
Updated: February 9, 2021
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Article SummaryX

To pass the NCLEX, you’ll need to start studying 3 to 4 weeks before the test, since there’s a lot of material to cover. Since most of the exam focuses on management of care, spend extra time studying topics like patient advocacy, time management, and ethical dilemmas. You should also review the test plans on the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website to get an idea of how the test will be formatted. At the end of each week, try taking free online practice tests so you’ll be more at ease with the actual exam process. Make sure to time yourself during these tests, and aim to answer at least 13 questions per hour to ensure you’ll finish the exam on time. For more advice, including how to keep your focus and pace yourself during the exam, keep reading.

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