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Mass Effect Novels To Bridge Gap Between Andromeda

Novel Concept!

Last week I wrote about how Mass Effect: Andromeda [official site] wasn't chained by the choices you made at the end of Mass Effect 3, and how that left a lot of questions unanswered. Well, answers are coming next month in the first of four Mass Effect tie-in novels published by Titan Books that aim to bridge gaps between Andromeda and the events of our own Milky Way.

"The novels will act as prequel and sequels to the events in the games and will become part of the overarching Mass Effect saga. They will focus on key characters and answer the many questions fans have been asking," explain publishers Titan Books.

Right now, only two of the novels have confirmed authors. The first one is being written by N. K. Jemisin, a great author whose debut novel, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms was nominated for both Hugo and Nebula awards. The fourth novel is to be penned by Mac Walters, creative director over at Bioware.

Video game tie-in novels are largely forgettable, so I wouldn't blame you for skipping these in favor of seeing what Andromeda has to say for itself. But you probably shouldn't trust my judgement either. I have copies of the first three Halo novels and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed them. Probably too much, like, sometimes I'll spout trivia I learned from reading them in front of friends and then immediately realize what a grave mistake I just made.

Anyway, if you have burning questions, these books might be a decent place to start. The first one is due out in August, with two more arriving in March and September of 2017 and Walters' book coming even later in 2018. Andromeda itself is due in "early 2017."

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