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Bilingual-People Problems

14 Everyday Struggles of Bilingual Latinas

Image Source: ABC

I speak 2.5 languages. I'm fluent in Spanish (my birth language) and English, and I know enough Italian to help a lost tourist on the subway. Though being able to communicate in more than one tongue has its serious benefits — there are more jobs available to me, I have an easier time when traveling abroad, some studies even say we're smarter (tooting my own horn here) — there are struggles. Boy, are there struggles.

More than once, I have spoken Spanish to someone who has no idea what I'm saying, and words have come out of my mouth in a total jumble of Spanglish that not even I understand. Minor issues, sure, but if you're bilingual, you know it doesn't end there. Keep reading for a list of the everyday situations you probably also face — bilinguals, unite!

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