Cayenne has many medicinal uses. Capsaicin (what gives cayenne its spicy flavor) is a PAIN-RELIEVER. It inhibits sensory & pain nerves, which is great for ARTHRITIS & MIGRAINES. It boosts METABOLISM, aiding with lowering CHOLESTEROL, improving DIGESTION, reducing BLOOD PRESSURE, & LOSING WEIGHT. Cayenne is ANTI-BACTERIAL, helping you fight respiratory infections, SORE THROATS, & flus. The spicy heat is detoxifying & can increase CIRCULATION & remove blockages that promote disease & illness./... Ayurveda, Nutrition, Migraines Remedies, Natural Cure For Arthritis, Blood Pressure Remedies, Arthritis Remedies Hands, Arthritis Remedies, Headache Remedies, Natural Headache Remedies