Generally, scientific papers may be classified either as review papers or as empirical research papers. Both types can serve as excellent sources for a deeper understanding of a particular area of scientific research. However, these papers are dense and include terminology that may be intimidating. If you have patience and approach the paper methodically, you'll be able to understand the research presented and incorporate it into your own work.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Evaluating Review Papers

  1. Review papers summarize the data and conclusions of many other papers to give you an overview of a specific topic or field. Typically, you'll see the word "review" in either the title or the abstract of the paper.[2]
    • If you aren't familiar with a particular field, a review paper can give you a better understanding. Review papers can also help you identify empirical papers you need to read or use as sources in your own work.
  2. A narrative review is typically easier to read and provides a broad overview of a particular field of scholarship or area of research. Systematic reviews are more detailed and may evaluate the methods and data of the papers reviewed.[3]
    • The authors typically state the type of review in the title or the abstract of the paper. Systematic reviews are most common with medical studies.
  3. The abstract is a summary of the review paper, including the question asked and the answer found by the authors of the paper. The introduction explains the reason the authors chose to undertake the review.[4]
    • After reading the abstract and the introduction, if you determine that the paper is not relevant to your interests, there's no need to read any further.
  4. A systematic review combines the results from several different studies to produce a more comprehensive understanding of the area of research. However, this is only effective if the review includes both published and unpublished studies that used the same methodology.
    • In some areas of research, the outcomes of published studies differ from the outcomes of unpublished studies. A review that only includes published studies does not present the full picture of the state of research in that area.
    • Some review papers may consider studies of different types, particularly in an emerging area of research where there haven't been a lot of studies completed.
  5. Reading the results section first lets you know what to look for as you read through the rest of the paper. Once you know what the authors concluded, you can focus on the data in the studies reviewed that support that conclusion.[5]
    • The results section should be logically organized and relatively easy for you to follow. It also typically includes a summary of the number of studies of any given type that were reviewed by the authors.
  6. For a review paper, the methodology section will discuss how studies were selected for inclusion in the review. This includes the criteria used by the authors of the review and the data sources they searched for studies to include.[6]
    • The authors typically will include a discussion of criteria they used to determine whether a study should be included in their review. Think about whether these criteria introduced any bias into the review.
    • Methodology also includes a description of how the results of the studies reviewed were synthesized by the authors of the review. Through synthesis, the review comes to a new (typically broader) conclusion than any of the individual studies reviewed.[7]
  7. A systematic review paper makes use of graphs known as "forest plots" to evaluate all the results from all the studies included in the review. Once you know how to interpret them, you may find forest plots easier to read than other statistical graphs.[8]
    • Along the horizontal is the condition or treatment being analyzed by the review. The vertical axis represents no effect. To the left of this axis, studies concluding treatment was effective will be plotted according to how extreme their results were. On the right of the axis, studies are plotted that favored the control, rather than the treatment or intervention.
    • With most reviews, you should be able to tell at a glance whether the majority of the studies favored the treatment or intervention.

    Study Forest Plots Closely: In addition to the basic graph, forest plots include a wealth of other information, including the names of the authors of the studies reviewed, the year each reviewed study was conducted or published, and the number of patients in the treatment and control groups in each study.

  8. Now that you have a strong understanding of the review and its methodology, you'll be better able to make sense of the rest of the paper. Read actively, taking notes as you go. Make notes of individual empirical papers included in the review that you might want to read on your own.[9]
    • If you see anything you don't understand, highlight it or make a note of it. You can look it up online later, or check a scientific dictionary.
    • Taking notes as you read can help you paraphrase information from the paper in your own writing later, without worrying that you're plagiarizing the original source.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Analyzing Empirical Papers

  1. The title and section headings of the paper give you a basic understanding of what the paper is about. They also help you get a feel for the structure of the paper and how it's organized.[10]
    • Take note of any sections that appear longer or denser in relation to the other sections of the paper. It may take more of your time to read through those.
    • The title and the section headings also give you an idea of whether the paper is relevant to your interests and how difficult it will be to comprehend. If the title and section headings include terminology you don't understand, you may want to do some background reading and then come back to it.
  2. The abstract is a summary of the paper as a whole. It will tell you what questions the authors sought to answer, the experiments they conducted, and the answers they found.[11]
    • Typically you can access the abstract of a paper, even if you can't read the whole thing. For example, you may find an article published in a journal you can't read without a subscription. The abstract will let you determine whether the full article is something you should read.
    • If after reading the abstract, it doesn't seem like the paper would be beneficial for you to read, there's no need to read any further.
  3. The introduction places the paper in context. It will let you know what is already known about the general topic, and how this paper fits in with the broader line of scholarship.[12]
    • The introduction gives you a little more information about the questions the authors sought to answer, and how those questions fit into the larger field of scholarship.
    • If the paper falls into a field of study that you're not familiar with, the introduction may point you towards resources you can use to gain enough information to properly understand the paper.
  4. If you're not familiar with the topic of the paper or the questions the authors are trying to answer, you may need to do a little background reading before you'll be able to understand the paper.[13]
    • For example, if you're confronted in the introduction with a lot of terminology you don't understand, look for a general overview or review article that will provide you with the background you need.
    • You may also want to use scientific dictionaries or other reference books to get a better understanding of words and phrases you aren't familiar with.

    Tip: If you don't have much knowledge of the field, a comprehensive overview designed for a layperson will give you greater familiarity without weighing you down with terminology. Then you can return to the scientific paper with a greater understanding.

  5. Reading the conclusion before you dig into the meat of the experiments gives you a better ability to analyze the data and evaluate the data in context. Skip forward to the end of the paper and read the conclusion section that summarizes the authors' findings.[14]
    • Take note of the conclusions the authors made so you can refer to them as you read through the data.
    • If you don't understand the conclusion, you may want to do additional background reading before digging into the data.
  6. Assuming you've gotten this far and have decided that you need to read the paper, move forward to the paper's methodology section. If the authors used a method you're not familiar with, you may want to do a little background research on that method before continuing.[15]
    • Make sure you understand what the authors did, and how they did it. Look for potential holes or biases in the authors' method.
    • If the method doesn't seem like the best possible method to answer the questions, compare the methods you thought would work better. Jot down why you think your method would work better than the method used in the study.
  7. Most scientific papers include tables, charts, and graphs that summarize the data collected in the study. These figures allow you to look at all the data together and form your own conclusions on that information.[16]
    • Depending on the methods used, the figures may allow you to analyze the data more easily than you would by simply reading the paper. By looking at the figures, you get a general idea of how the study was conducted without even reading the paper.
    • Think critically about the way the data is presented in the figures. Ask yourself if the data could have been represented in a clearer way. You can also consider if the figures chosen represent a bias on the part of the authors, or if they are attempting to present the data in a way that supports their conclusions.

    Pay attention to the figures! Authors often don't have enough space to discuss all data gathered in detail. The charts and graphs included in the paper often include information not discussed in the text of the paper, and may be more important than the text itself.

  8. Once you've looked at the figures, dig into the narrative sections of the paper that present the data and describe how it was gathered. Look for potential flaws in the gathering of the data that might affect the results.[17]
    • Typically, the authors use the text to highlight the data they felt was most important in the study. This is the data they used to support their conclusions. Compare the data described in the text with the data in the figures. Ask yourself if they left out important data that may have led to a different conclusion.
    • The data may raise additional questions not discussed by the authors. Formulate a hypothesis as to why that data was ignored.
  9. After focusing on each section, read the paper actively. Take notes in the margins or on a separate sheet of paper as you read. Highlight or underline key phrases in the text.[18]
    • Be on the lookout for words such as "surprising" or "unexpected," which will give you clues as to how the authors interpreted the data they gathered.
    • Phrases such as "in contrast with previous work" or "has seldom been addressed" help you put the paper in the context of the overall field of scholarship.
    • Words such as "propose," "suggest," or "hypothesize alert you to conclusions the authors are making. They may also point to unanswered questions that invite further research.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using a Scientific Paper as a Source

  1. The previous scholarship the authors reference can help you place the paper in a continuous line of research. These prior researchers paved the way for this paper, or may have raised questions this paper seeks to answer.[19]
    • Some fields may have competing theories – especially in a new or developing area of study. If the authors have chosen one theory over another, consider how the competing theory might relate to this study.
    • If the paper's conclusions differ from conclusions in similar studies, compare the methodology of the two different studies. Try to determine why the two studies came up with different conclusions.
  2. If you already have a basic familiarity with the field of study, figure out how the paper relates to what you already know. Try to connect the paper to other resources you've already evaluated.[20]
    • For example, if you've studied neurology, you might relate an article on the plasticity of the brain with another article you've read about recovery from traumatic brain injury.
    • Consider how the study's findings may affect the findings of other studies. They may be considered shocking or disruptive in the field, or may overturn previously held beliefs.
  3. If the paper is more than a year old, it's likely that other scholars in the field have cited the paper in their research. The more citing references a paper has, the more reliable the results potentially are. However, you have to look at the context within which the paper is cited.[21]
    • Pull up the articles that cite the paper you just read. Determine if they cited it favorably or unfavorably. If other papers have pointed out flaws in the methodology or in the authors' conclusions, it may not be a paper you want to rely on.
    • If other authors have cited the paper approvingly, or appear to accept the result, this potentially gives the paper more weight. The authors and their conclusions are generally accepted by other scholars in the field.

    Tip: A search engine such as Google Scholar allows you to search specifically for citations to the paper you've read. Even if you can't access the full paper, you'll typically be able to see the context in which the article was cited.

  4. Proper citation lets your readers know that you've done the appropriate research for your own paper. You also give your readers information to read the papers themselves.[22]
    • Citations are made up of a footnote or parenthetical citation in the body of your paper, as well as a full list of references at the end of your paper. The format depends on the citation style you're using.
    • Include an in-text citation every time you mention the paper in your own work, or talk about any conclusions drawn by the authors of the paper.

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  • If you're having a difficult time understanding a paper, try putting the subject of the paper into your own words and telling a friend outside the field about it. Their questions can help you better understand the paper.[23]
  • As you read, either highlight or write down words or phrases that you don't understand. When you're done, go back and look them up online or in a scientific dictionary to gain a better understanding of the paper.[24]

About this article

Jennifer Mueller, JD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, Indiana University
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Jennifer Mueller is a wikiHow Content Creator. She specializes in reviewing, fact-checking, and evaluating wikiHow's content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. Jennifer holds a JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 23,003 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: September 15, 2021
Views: 23,003
Article SummaryX

To read a scientific paper, start by skimming the title and section headings to get a feel for the structure of the paper. Next, read the abstract and introduction for more information about the subject matter and the questions the author sought to answer in the paper. Then, skim for keywords and phrases, taking notes and underlining important terms as you go. Pay attention to raw data and any figures included and consider checking out the references to gain a better understanding of the context. For more tips on reading actively, scroll down!

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