Watch: Full Trailer for 'Blair Witch' Sequel Formerly Titled 'The Woods'

July 23, 2016
Source: YouTube

Blair Witch Trailer

"Do you believe in the stories...?" Surprise! Lionsgate hosted a screening of a horror film called The Woods at Comic-Con this week, and just as the lights were going down, lucky attendees realized - this was actually going to be a screening of a secret sequel/reboot of The Blair Witch Project (which premiered at Sundance in 1999 and became a huge hit). Titled simply Blair Witch, Lionsgate hired horror masterminds Adam Wingard & Simon Barrett (of The Guest, You're Next) to reboot the original found footage horror, and keep it a secret until now. The working title was The Woods, and we even posted a trailer for this film a few months ago, but it wasn't until this week that all was revealed. You can read more about how they pulled off this big secret on And to keep the buzz going, they've released a new trailer for the horror sequel.

Here's the new trailer for Adam Wingard & Simon Barrett's Blair Witch, direct from Lionsgate's YouTube:

Here's a few of the tweets showing the marketing banner being switched out at the screening at Comic-Con:

Blair Witch Poster

​​A group of college students venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. At first the group is hopeful, especially when a pair of locals offer to act as guides through the dark and winding woods, but as the endless night wears on, the group is visited by a menacing presence. Slowly, they begin to realize the legend is all too real and more sinister than they could have imagined. Blair Witch, formerly The Woods, is directed by filmmaker Adam Wingard and written by screenwriter Simon Barrett, the same filmmaking team behind A Horrible Way to Die, You're Next, The Guest, and segments in V/H/S 1 & 2 previously. Lionsgate is still planning to release the new Blair Witch in theaters starting September 16th later this fall. For more check out #BlairWitch. Who's interested in seeing this?


Find more posts in: Horror, To Watch, Trailer



Trailer didn't do much for me, but I have faith in Adam Wingard & Simon Barrett and can't wait to see what they do with this "franchise"

Ricardo_PT on Jul 23, 2016



Carpola on Jul 23, 2016


Neat bit of marketing but if Adam and Simon weren't attached I couldn't have cared less. But since they are I will surely see it.

Jon Odishaw on Jul 23, 2016


I see some body horror!!!

DAVIDPD on Jul 23, 2016


I certainly enjoyed the original. Not much interest here though.

grimjob on Jul 23, 2016


Oh for chrissakes! Really?!? The amount of reboots and remakes is just maddening at this point. I wish people would wise up and stop buying tickets to this crap. Except for Star Wars.... and Star Trek... and comic book movies..... I'M DOING IT TOO!!

RAW_D on Jul 23, 2016


*Sigh* And here I was thinking this was actually going to be something somewhat original. Hollywood gotta do better.

Brandon on Jul 23, 2016


Nope. Not even close ...

shiboleth on Jul 23, 2016


I loved the first one, and i hope this give me the same chills

toonfed on Jul 23, 2016


It could be remade in a good way, but this trailer just looks like all the best parts of the original, shoved into a modern horror trailer that looks like every other horror movie today. Not too excited for this.

Charles Knowlton on Jul 23, 2016


Please stop this found footage style. It's getting annoying. When you are chased by a monster, a killer or a beast, filming it is the least of your preoccupations.

tarek on Jul 24, 2016


I think the people bemoaning the reboot & remake culture don't realize this is in fact a sequel. Which is different. The fact that these guys are total fans of the original, gives me hope, could be something scary. It does seem to take the original up a notch. Sad that so many bemoaning it forget how much a phenomenon the original actual was. Which certainly makes this worth paying attention to. And frankly, credit where credit is due, the fact that they kept this such a secret till now, thats pretty freaking awesome.

harm on Jul 25, 2016


No Thank You

Mike petruska on Aug 15, 2016

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