Hello, I'm Jaiden

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jaiden, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. #1
    Hey. I'm mostly here to advertise, but i like this site. Not a lot of people still use VB. I like vb. I like how diverse the categories are so don't be surprised if you see me making assholeish, sarcastic replies on your threads. Not everyone is ok with my sense of humor, so i try and judge how far i am allowed to go with people on a person to person basis. sometimes i misjudge through the internet. Please don't hate me if we start an argument, i'm really opinionated. I don't take emotions into account when i'm arguing. anyways, I own a hosting site with 2 partners, i'll be making an ad thread about it shortly. i have one already made, but it's outdated, so i might hold off until i've made my new template. - We've currently have 68 clients at the time of posting this. We're called Start Your Site. I'm not going to link it here, cause i don't know all the rules yet. i might already be breaking them or bending them.. Going to read them before i post too much.

    anyways, peace for now.
    - Jaiden.
    Jaiden, Jul 23, 2016 IP