This Is What Failure Looks Like

Discussion in 'ClickBank' started by sirjorgeofculver, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. #1
    I have spent nearly 6 months to set up a simple site for the clickbank product Google Sniper. I then wrote content with keyword densities ranging from 1% to 3% because no marketer could agree on the number

    After 72 posts, I have received NO sales, and only about 9 to 10 hops a day.

    I invested in a "backlink" gig on Fiverr, that promised 5,000 backlinks, and well, nothing.

    A lot of pages indexed, uploaded Youtube vids for backlinks, and promoted through Twitter marketing.

    No sales.

    The only upside is that the page gets $2.00 a month via adsense. Good thing I have other sites that make money, otherwise this would be a travesty.

    Anyways, here's the site:

    I'm a freelance writer, and haven't even parlayed this into any writing gigs, or blog set ups. I'd do it for anyone that needed it, of course, not for free, but cheaper than most. Oh well. I think this is a failure...not sure if I want to keep writing about a product that doesn't convert, or maybe I'm the failure. It happens.
    sirjorgeofculver, Jul 5, 2016 IP
  2. itsmtv

    itsmtv Active Member

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    Hey mate, sorry to see so much time wasted on this one. But as far as I remember Google Sniper was released back in 2014? It has a lot of competition and youtube is crowded with GSniper reviews & promotions, I think you clearly choose the wrong product. Since you are getting 9-10 hops daily, well thats a good thing! I had a google sniper video ranked in first places of youtube & ranked on google, for couple weeks, and I was having like 5 hops/day and it got me total 4 sales in that period of time. The video was taken down because of some violations (well we live and learn). So I don't know if you were that unlucky to get no sales, or your traffic is also from fiverr? But anyway - Google Sniper's prime has passed.
    itsmtv, Jul 9, 2016 IP
  3. abajan

    abajan Active Member

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    The small font size on the page might be a turn off for some. You could also try pointing users to the secure version of the page ( instead of the non-secure one. Some people are very picky about that. But like itsmtv has stated, Google Sniper has lots of competition.
    abajan, Jul 10, 2016 IP
  4. itsmtv

    itsmtv Active Member

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    Yeah it is competition + the product itself is 2 years old, which is HUGE in MMO product terms. So I believe prime time has really passed for this product. I even start thinking that every product on clickbank is simply outdated. When I look at their videos or other files, they're all old as much as possible.
    itsmtv, Jul 10, 2016 IP
  5. MarcElrich

    MarcElrich Member

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    The page is confusing and has too much going on, i.e. too many other links. The content for Google Sniper is below the fold. That's a big no-no. Make your article on Google Sniper above the fold and the main focus of that page.
    MarcElrich, Nov 15, 2016 IP
  6. graphicguy

    graphicguy Greenhorn

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    Yes, make it above the fold, don't over charge your web page. Just FOCUS on the main purpose and please make your font size bigger!
    graphicguy, Nov 16, 2016 IP
  7. Yoursuccesstoday

    Yoursuccesstoday Greenhorn

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    Hi there!

    Google sniper has had it's prime days! Sure people still buy this, but in 2016 now people are a lot more wary of clickbank products

    and this has been evident with CB implementing the new trust logo...times are changing and people need to stop relying so heavily

    on using CB for their sole affiliate commissions!

    Have a great day
    Yoursuccesstoday, Dec 2, 2016 IP
  8. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    The op said alot at the same time of actually saying nothing.

    1: Fiver links will only get your site penalized....
    (5000 spammy links is way to many links over quality...)

    You can post content from here to eternity, however, if you do not
    get good quality backlinks, then everything you have done was in vein...

    2: New sites are normally sandboxed for about 6mo or so...

    3: You picked a competitive product, and which are not these days?

    4: You should have picked a product that
    you could monetize for clickbank, amazon, etc...

    5: You said nothing about your keyword research....
    how many keywords do you have ranked? are they buyer
    keywords, or just keywords for tire kickers...

    6: With 72 articles, then I would think you would have good amount
    of LSI ranking keywords, but hey, numbers do not lie 6mo = $zero
    implies that there is something wrong, then again, it can take
    6 months before google will let your site start climbing....

    7: How many backlinks do you have? How many of
    them are considered quality backlinks? Do you have any
    bad backlinks that would affect your site?

    If your ranking keywords are not ranking #1-#5 then you will most
    likely not be getting lots of traffic. You can have 100 or 100k articles,
    however, if those keywords never rank in top spots, then all you have
    is nothing more then a hobby site, and you have already indicated
    that you use backlinks from fiver, and that is a no-no....
    you will get no quality backlinks from fiver, even though some
    promise you the world, however, you end up worthless backlinks.

    Your post is 5 months old...
    any updates?

    ps. did you expect to be making money hand over fist in just six months?
    I have seen sites that do that, but they are exceptional sites. It is obvious
    that you do not have one of these exceptional sites, and most do not, however,
    it is very common that it can take a site 1-5 years before becoming successful

    You need to get an seo audit done on your site...
    maybe you are not doing anything wrong...
    maybe you are doing everything wrong....

    1: Setup a website....
    2: Load it up with content...
    3: Why am I not cashing out in six months...

    Believe it or not, there is a lot of research that you need to do
    before setting up a site, and expect to profit within six months....
    most sites fail, and worse, most will not make a dime in six months...
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    dscurlock, Dec 2, 2016 IP
  9. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Hello, you also have to understand that the products such as this one have flawed metrics. Because you see a lot of gravity points, but it's because people who are buying the product are using their own clickbank account, so they get a discount. And the gravity points are calculated by the number of different affiliates who sold at least one product over the last 2 months.
    So in this niche of IM or MMO, the products have a lot of gravity points, but that doesn't mean much indeed.
    If you see a product with a lot of gravity point which is not in the IM or MMO niche, then it is more legitimate.
    JamesColin, Dec 3, 2016 IP
  10. Dana C. Beck

    Dana C. Beck Active Member

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    Sorry to hear you're having little success with Google Sniper. I have used Google Sniper and as stated a few times in this thread, it has become a little outdated for sure. As far as ClickBank is concerned, maybe it's just me but it appears that they continue to offer the same products year after year with not too many new offers. You're also a freelance writer? Are you working with Fiverr or some of the other freelance sites? Just curious. Anyway, that my two cents and hope this helps a little. :D
    Dana C. Beck, Dec 9, 2016 IP
  11. thedark

    thedark Well-Known Member

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    If you only get 2$ monthly from adsense, this means that your website have low traffic ( about 500 page views per month for my estimations - real traffic - you might get more in stats but probably it is you visiting from different devices, your friends etc who won't count on conversion rate ). With that amount of traffic you can't expect sales. I have a website where I generate 2-3$ a day ( I have about 500 page views a day ), but I have a hard time selling stuff on it. You need quality and dedicated traffic to make affiliate sales. Maybe you get traffic from people interested in different stuff, other than what you sell. So you can't expect them to purchase anything. Unless you have a good traffic source ( your site posted in high traffic forums and pages ), it is hard to make sales.
    thedark, Jan 8, 2017 IP
  12. SEOwriterplus

    SEOwriterplus Active Member

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    Have you tested your affiliate link lately? It seems that Google Sniper now requires that each affiliate goes through a special application process and is individually approved. And I have no way of telling for how long this has been the case.

    This happened to me with one product - I kept promoting it and made zero sales and was wondering why... until I tested my link and saw what was going on. So I applied and was approved and they're supplying me with all sorts of great promo materials, which really helps too.

    But as long as you're not approved, you're out of luck. Turns out that people who click on your link will be taken to a site that says the affiliate is not authorized, and they invite people to click on the direct link - which means no commission for you.

    I just checked on CBEngine and saw that they also have a pretty high refund rate! Just for your information.

    Anyway, this explains why you're not making ANY sales. With 10 hops a day, which means about 300/month, you should be making at least a sale here and there even with a low conversion rate. But only if your affiliate link works.

    Get in touch with them and ask them to approve you as an affiliate! And also set up a new site for a newer product! Oh, and pick a good one!

    Good luck.
    SEOwriterplus, Jan 9, 2017 IP
  13. Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    The truth is:

    - Your blog is not much to look at (design-wise). First impression still counts. I don't even know how you expected to get any conversions from your current blog. You need to change the template and maybe get a good domain name. Make it look professional, trustworthy, believable.

    - You need to quadruple your advertising efforts. As somebody has mentioned ~500 hits a day is not going to get you far. 2000-3000 may. But even that may not be enough if your design is not updated. If your bounce rate is 60-70% (and I suspect it is) all your advertising efforts will go straight down the drain because of the weak design.

, Jan 9, 2017 IP