Benefits of the GM Diet

Everyone wishes to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, the definition of the healthy varies greatly from person to person. Some consider healthy living as being slim and trim and some consider being bulky and muscular as the sign of health. All such views have their merits. In other words, the the base line of being healthy can be taken as being slim with an active lifestyle. That’s the least anyone can hope to do maintain a certain level of fitness.

In order to achieve this base line goal, the first thing to review are the dietary habits. What we eat plays an important role in affecting our metabolism. For instance, some studies on the internet have shown that non vegetarian foods are harder for the human body to digest as compared to vegetarian foods. In the spirit of reviewing the dietary habits, let us explore the possibilities that come from a nice little diet plan called the “GM Diet Plan“.

The GM Diet is a simple 7 day diet plan as listed below:

  1. GM diet day 1 – You may eat as many fruits you like with the exception of bananas.
  2. GM Diet day 2 – Eat all vegetables you can except for tomatoes
  3. GM Diet day 3 – Eat all the fruits & vegetables you want except bananas and tomatoes
  4. GM Diet day 4 – There are only two food items allowed on the fourth day. You may consume up to 4 glasses of milk and up to 5 bananas during the day.
  5. GM Diet day 5 – The fifth day is about proteins. Beef/chicken patties can be consumed during the day with up to six tomatoes. Alternatively, as per a vegetarian version of this diet “gm diet veg“, you may replace the beef/chicken with cottage cheese (paneer) or boiled pulses like pinto beans, blank beans with a little dressing or seasoning.
  6. GM Diet day 6 – Another protein day. You may eat beef/chicken along with as many vegetables as per day 2 of GM diet.
  7. GM Diet day 7 – On the last day, you can consume a cup of rice (brown or white) for any two meals during the day along with all the fruits & vegetables as per the first three days of the GM diet plan.

Overall, you can hope for a weight loss of up to 7 kilos by the end of the week along with a lightness that you may not have experienced in a long time. The condition is that you also combine and prepare for long term healthy lifestyle to complement this week long diet. GM diet and exercise go hand in hand. This diet plan can be a great motivation for you to see instant results and thus, push you to go further and take the next step. You may want to attempt this diet once in maybe two months just for detox purposes. However the work out you decide to take up with it important for you to stay active.


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